Let Us Build the Wall of Jerusalem

Jan 8, 2023

Nehemiah 2:1-20


Let Us Build the Wall of Jerusalem

Nehemiah 2:1-20

Key Verse 17 “Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision.””


1. Read Verse 1-2. What was Nehemiah’s relationship like with King Artaxerxes?

2. V3. Why was Nehemiah sad?

3. Why is it spiritually significant that Jerusalem was in ruins and that its gates had been destroyed by fire?

4. V4-8. How did Nehemiah use his position as the King’s cupbearer for God’s purpose?


5. V9-10. Why were Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite servant displeased greatly? What does this reveal about the spiritual realm? What can we learn from this?

6. V11-16. What did Nehemiah do after arriving in Jerusalem? Why is it important to inspect our spiritual environment?

7. V17. Why did Nehemiah want to build the walls and gates of Jerusalem? Why is it important to have walls and gates in a city? What is the spiritual significance of establishing walls and gates?

  1. How can these concepts of walls and gates be applied to our lives? Personally, Spiritually, Family/Home, Church, etc.

8. V18. What was Nehemiah’s testimony to the people? How did the people respond?

9. V19-20. What opposition did the rebuild movement have? How did Nehemiah respond?

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