The Words of Eternal Life

Nov 17, 2024

John 6:52-71


The Words of Eternal Life

John 6:52-71
Key Verse 68: “Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

  1. Look at verses 52-59. What is the only way to have life in us? (52) What is true food and true drink? (55) What could be an example of false food/false drink? What does it mean to feed on Jesus’ flesh and drink his blood? How can we do that?
  2. Look at verses 60-65. Why did the disciples say “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it”? (63,64) How can we listen to Jesus' words and accept them?
  3. Look at verses 66-71. Why didn't Peter and the 12 leave when the other disciples left, why did they stay with Jesus? (68,69) What does it mean that Jesus has the words of eternal life? What does it mean that they believed and have come to know that Jesus is the Holy one of God? What is the difference between believing in something and coming to know something? How can we come to know that Jesus has the words of life and is the Holy one of God?
  4. What did you learn from today’s passage or what stuck out to you?

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