Serve Him

Oct 9, 2022

Joshua 24:1-28


Joshua 24:1-28

Key Verse 14

“Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.”


  1. How was the conquest of the land of Canaan going for the Iraelites?(See Joshua 18:2-3 )

  2. What point is Joshua trying to make in verses 1-13?


  1. After recounting their history, what 3 things did Joshua charge the people to do? (V14)

  2. Why should the Israelites “fear the LORD”? (V20)

  3. How many times is the word “serve” or “served” found in this passage? Why?

  4. What does it mean to “serve the LORD in sincerity and faithfulness”?

  5. What is the significance of “serving” God versus something else? (Matt 6:24 )


  1. After the people said they would serve the LORD (V18) what did Joshua tell them? (V19)

  2. What is the connection between Joshua’s statement in verse 19 and his charge to “Put away the gods your fathers served” (14)?

  3. How was the Israelites’ problem fundamentally a heart issue? (V23)


  1. What 5 things did Joshua do to solidify the people’s commitment to serve the LORD?

  2. Why were each of these actions important for the people to serve the LORD?

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