Count It All Joy

Oct 2, 2022

James 1:2-4


James 01:02-04

Key Verses 02-03

“2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”

James 01:02-04

  1. According to James, what should we do when we encounter a trial? (V2)

  2. What is a trial? What kinds of trials might we encounter? (V2)

  3. How do trials test our faith? What happens when our faith is tested? (V3)

  4. What happens to us when we become steadfast in our faith? (V4)

Acts 14:19-23

  1. What happened to Paul in verse 19?

  2. What did Paul do after he recovered?

  3. When the disciples heard about Paul being stoned, how might they have felt?

  4. How did Paul encourage the disciples in verse 22?

  5. How must we enter the kingdom of heaven? (V22)

Luke 22:31-34

  1. What did Satan request from God?

  2. What happens to us when we are sifted and tested?

  3. Why did Satan demand to sift Peter like wheat? What does this reveal about how Satan accuses the believers?

  4. What did Jesus pray for Peter? (V32)

  5. Why did Jesus allow Satan to sift Peter?

  6. Did Peter’s faith fail? What was the end outcome?

Job 1:6-12

  1. Read verses 9-11. What is Satan’s argument and accusation against Job?

  2. Why does God allow Satan to test Job? (Job 23:10 )

Revelations 2:8-11

  1. What does Jesus know about the church of Smyrna? (V9)

  2. What is going to happen to the church of Smyrna? (V10)

  3. Why should they not fear? (See Job 1:12 )

  4. What will happen if they are faithful unto death? (V10)


  1. What can we learn from these examples about trials and tribulations?

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