Sep 18, 2022

Acts 6:1-15


Acts 6:1-15

Key Verse 04

“But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”


  1. What was happening in the early days of the church? (Beginning of V1)

  2. What issue/complaint was brought to the Apostles' attention?

  3. Why was it “not right” for them to give up preaching the word of God to serve tables?

  4. What was the priority for the Apostles? (V4)

  5. How did the Apostles resolve the issue?

  6. What can we learn from this about sharing the workload at church?

  7. How were the 7 men chosen? What criteria did the Apostles institute?

  8. Who was chosen?

  9. How did the Apostles initiate the 7 men in their new roles as servants?

  10. Did the Apostles take the issue of serving widows and serving tables seriously?

  11. What was the end result? (V7)

  12. What can we learn from this? How important is it to serve widows and serve tables?


  1. What happened after Stephen became a servant? (V8)

  2. What happened after Stepehen served and did great wonders and signs? (V9)

  3. What happened when his persecutors tried to dispute with him? (V10)

  4. How was Stephen described in verse 15 when he was on trial?

  5. Should we expect persecution when we do the will of God?

  6. Should we fear persecution? Why/Whynot?

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