Enter by the Narrow Gate

Jul 10, 2022

Matthew 7:13-20


Matthew 7:13-20

Key Verse 13

“ For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”


  1. What does it mean to enter through the narrow gate?

  2. If we do not enter through the narrow gate, where will we go?

  3. Look at the previous verses in ch 7. How is entering through the narrow gate related to the law and the prophets, and what we do to others?

  4. How do we enter through the narrow gate?


  1. What do false prophets and false teachers look like outwardly?

  2. How can we recognize false prophets and false teachers?

  3. How is bearing good fruit related to the law and the prophets and entering through the narrow gate? (Galatians 5:22-23)

  4. What will happen to those who do not bear good fruit?

  5. How can we bear good fruit based on today’s passage? (v12)

  6. What should we do if we are struggling to bear good fruit? (v7-8, Matthew 3:7-10)

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