Seek First the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness

Jun 19, 2022

Matthew 6:25-34


Matthew 6:25-34

Key Verse 33

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”


  1. Look at the previous passages in Matthew 6, why should we not be anxious about our lives or focused on earthly concerns? (Relationship Mt 6:8, Treasure Mt 6:19, Status Mt6:1)


  1. What can we learn from looking at the birds?

  2. What does food represent? (Our lives, survival, safety, comfort)

  3. Do we work harder than birds to store up food? Is that necessary? Why/Why not

  4. How do these verses connect to the previous verses about laying up treasure in heaven? (Mt 6:19-21)

  5. If we can't add a single hour to our lives, what should we do? Do we have control of our lives?

V. 28-30

  1. What is clothing referring to? (Glory, honor)

  2. What can we learn from considering the lilies?

  3. Who clothes the lilies of the field? Who clothed Solomon? (Solomon) Which was greater in its array of glory according to God?

  4. If God clothes us, will we be more glorious than king Solomon?

  5. Is there more to the body than clothing? What about our bodies should we focus on instead of clothing?


  1. Why should we not be anxious about our lives or seek after earthly things like the Gentiles? (Matt 6:8)

  2. What can happen when we have confidence that our Father in heaven will provide for us?

  3. What can happen if we don’t conquer the worries of this life? (Matthew 13:22)

  4. Describe the differences between seeking “his kingdom” and seeking “his righteousness”.

  5. What will happen if we seek first the kingdom of God and seek God’s righteousness?

  6. What is Jesus trying to teach us in v34? Will God save us from each day’s trouble?

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