Humble Yourselves Before the Lord

Jan 16, 2022

James 4:1-17


Humble Yourselves Before the Lord

James 4:1-17

Key Verse 4:10

  1. Review the previous passage (James 3:1-18) and summarize the two types of wisdom James identified. How does this passage (that focuses on repentance) correlate with the previous passage?

  1. Look at v.1-5. What is the root cause of all fights and quarrels? How do sinful desires impact a believer’s prayer life? (3) What allegiance do believers end up showing by their sinful desires? (4) What does God think about this allegiance? (5) 

  1. Look at v.6-10. What “grace” has God provided for us to escape our enmity towards Him? (6) Describe the process to “humble yourself before the Lord”? (7-9) Why does this process work and lead to “favor” with God? What similar process were the Israelites commanded to undergo every year?

  1. Look at v.11-16. What similarities do “slander/judging” (11) have in common with “boasting” (16)? How is slander/judging evidence of a proud heart? (12) How can this pride be cut off? How can talking about future plans be an expression of arrogance? (13-16) How can this arrogance be cut off?

  1. Look at v.17. From chapter 4, what is the “good they ought to do”? Considering the previous three chapters, how is v.17 an important summary statement?

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