Elisha's spiritual ambition

Sep 26, 2021

2 Kings 2:1-25



2 Kings 2:1-25

Key verse 9b

“Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied.

  1. Read verses 1-10. Why might Elisha have followed Elijah so closely and persistently on the day God was going to take Elijah to heaven? (1-8) What did Elisha ask of Elijah? (9) What was Elijah’s reply? (10)

  2. Read verses 11-18. What happened as they were walking along? (11) How did Elisha respond? (12) What did he do with Elijah’s cloak? (13-14) Describe how he helped 50 able men. (15-18)

  3. Read verses 19-25. What miracle did Elisha perform for the people? (19-22) What does this show about his ministry? Why were some youths mauled by two bears? (23-25)



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