Elijah on Mount Carmel

Jul 25, 2021

1 Kings 18:16-46



1 Kings 18:16-46

Key Verse 21a

“Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.””

  1. Read verses 16-24. What was Ahab’s false accusation against Elijah? (16-17) What was Elijah’s reply and suggestion? (18-19) What did Ahab do? (20) What did Elijah say to the people of Israel first? (21) What then did he ask them to prepare? (22-24)

  2. Read verses 25-39.Describe how hard the prophets of Baal tried to bring fire on the altar of sacrifice. (25-29) What then did Elijah ask all the people to do on his altar? (30-35) What was Elijah’s prayer? (36-37) What happened to his altar? (38) How did the people respond? (39)

  3. Read verses 40-46. What did Elijah do with the prophets of Baal? (40) What did he ask Ahab to do and what did he predict? (41) What can we learn from the Lord God who made small clouds appear, and Elijah’s persistent prayer? (42-44a) What else did he order Ahab to do and what did he do with God’s power?(44b-46)

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