The Lord knows how to rescue the godly

Jan 10, 2021

2 Peter 2:1-12


2 Peter 2:1-12

Key verses 2:9

“If this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.”

  1. Read verses 1-3. How did false teachers introduce destructive heresies to the members of the church? (1) What effect would these false teachers have on the church? (2) What was their motive in exploiting church members? (3a) What would become of these false teachers? (1c, 3b)

  2. Read verses 4-9. How did God judge the ungodly of Noah’s generation? (4-5a, 1Pet. 3:19-20; Gen. 6:13, 7:21) How did God save Noah and seven others? (5b; Gen. 6:14, 7:1) How did God condemn the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? (6a; Gen 19:24-25) How did God save Lot? (7-8; Gen. 18:20-23, 19:12-13 and Gen 19:15-16) What do the examples of Noah’s generation and Sodom and Gomorrah show about God? (9, 6b)

  3. Read verses 10-12. Which of the false teacher’s sins were especially worthy of God’s judgment? (10a) What kind of things did they do? (10c, 12a) What were they like? (10b, 12b) What would happen to them? (12c)

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