Where are the other nine?

Nov 22, 2020

Luke 17:11-19



Luke 17:11-19

Key verse 17

“Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?”

1. Read verses 11-13. Where is Jesus traveling on the way to Jerusalem? (11) Who comes to Jesus? (12a) What do they do? (12b-13) What can we learn from them?

2. Read verse 14. What did Jesus do for the ten leprous men? Why were they told to show themselves to the priests? (Lev 13:2,17, 45-46; Mt 8:4) How might Jesus’ command to them have been difficult to obey? What happened when the men obeyed Jesus’ word?

3. Read verses 15-16. What did one man do after he saw he was healed? (15) How did he thank Jesus? (16) What can we learn from him?

4. Read verses 17-19. How did Jesus express his disappointment by comparing the other nine men with one thankful foreigner? (17, 18) What blessing did this thankful Samaritan receive? (19) What does this event teach about the importance of being thankful?

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