Be Shepherds of God’s Flock

Nov 15, 2020

1 Peter 5:1-14


1 Peter 5:1-13

Key Verse 5:2a

Be shepherd for God’s flock that is under you care

  1. Read verses 1-4. On what basis did Peter make his appeal to the elders? (1) What was Peter’s appeal to elders? What is the job of an elder or shepherd? (2-3) How are shepherds to be different from typical worldly leaders? Whom does a shepherd work for? (3-4) How will their work be rewarded?

  2. Read verses 5-7. Why should those who are younger submit to their elders? (5a, 3-4) What are all members of the church called to do? (5b) Why? What will God do for the one that humbles themselves before God? (6) How can they manage their anxiety? (7)

  3. Read verses 8-11. Why should the believers be alert and of sober mind? (8) How could they resist their enemy, the devil? (9a) How did Peter view the attacks of the enemy? (9b) How would the God of grace help them in their suffering to resist? (10-11)

  4. Read verses 12-14. What can be learned about the purpose of Peter’s letter? (12b) Which other servants were with Peter in this endeavor? (12a, 13) How did Peter ask the believers to greet one another? (14a) What was his closing blessing for them? (14b)

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