Jesus prays at Gethemane

Jul 26, 2020

Mark 14:27-42



Mark 14:27-42

Key Verse 32

They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.”

  1. Read verses 27-31. What did Jesus say to His disciples? (27, 28) What was Peter’s response? (29) What can we learn from the conversation between Jesus and the disciples? (30, 31)

  2. Read verses 32-34. Why did Jesus go to a place called Gethsemane together with Peter, James, and John? (32, 33a) What can we learn about Jesus’ humanity? (33b, 34)

  3. Read verses 35-42. How did Jesus pray and what was His prayer topic? (35, 36) What happened to Jesus after His 3 consecutive and strenuous prayers? (37-42) What can we learn from Jesus and His disciples?



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