Mark 3:1-12
Key Verse 5
He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored
Read verses 1-4. Who was there when Jesus went into the synagogue? (1) What did some people look for? (2) What did Jesus say to the man with the shriveled hand? (3) What question did Jesus then ask? (4)
Read verses 5-6. What caused Jesus deep distress and what did he say to the man? (5a) What happened to the man? (5b) What was the Pharisees’ response? (6)
Read verses 7-12. Why did many people follow Jesus? (7-8) What did Jesus tell his disciples to do? (9-10) How did the impure spirits react when they saw Jesus, and what was Jesus’ response to them? (11-12)
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