Armed For Battle

Jan 26, 2003

Joshua 3:1-4:24



Joshua 3:1-4:24

Key Verse 4:13

“About forty thousand armed for battle crossed over before the LORD to the plains of Jericho for war.”

Joshua is a book of war. It is a war manual, a manual which teaches us everything about the Lord's battle, its purpose, its characteristics (especially its spiritual nature), its principles, its means, its regimen, its tactics, and much more.

In the key verse Joshua describes the Israelites' fighting men as soldiers who are armed for battle. In the key verse we also see the word “war.” War consists of a series of battles. Winning a victory in a battle or two does not ensure lasting success and peace. In order to win lasting peace one must fight a series of battles; preferably one should win all of the battles; and then finally and most importantly, one must win the war. 

What is war? War is an openly declared, armed, and hostile confrontation between groups, states, or nations. It has four basic components: open confrontation, armed confrontation, hostile confrontation, and universal confrontation. The Lord God did not hide what he was doing. He openly declared war against those who denied the existence of God and his power, those who were determined to defile God's name by their total and unwavering commitment to their idolatrous ways of life, those ways which refute the notion that the Lord God alone is the source of life. 

Again in this passage the Lord God is not taking the Israelites out to the Promised Land for a picnic. He is taking them out to fight a battle. God has set out to advocate his own ideals, his beliefs, and his principles. And he fights for them. He himself is deeply involved in battle after battle. Not only does he want his children to participate in battle, but he also trains his children for this purpose as well. He organizes his children, and then sends his children out onto the battlefield, and he himself goes ahead of them. 

Here at UBF, we primarily focus on college students. But college campuses are only one of many battlefields. We are called to fight the Lord’s battle. 

How then are we to fight the Lord’s battle? What are we to fight for? And most importantly, how does the Lord lead us to fight? The passage for today answers these questions. Let us take a look at the passage with these questions in mind.

I. The Ark of the Covenant (1-4) 

First, what is the Ark of the Covenant?

In waging a war, what the Lord God does to ensure constant victory for his children is to first show them the divine framework for victory. Where can we find the divine framework? Where can we find the framework which will lead us into the Promised Land--a land flowing with milk and honey? Joshua 3 and 4 answer the question in a dramatic way, that is, by showing us a little object in the vanguard of the Lord’s army, a little object that plunges ahead into the enemy’s territory, a little object called "the Ark of the Covenant." This ark is a small box (or a chest if you will), nine handbreadths long, 15 handbreadths wide, and 10 handbreadths high. It is a golden box made of gold inside and out, with acacia wood in between. Actually, Bezalel made it out of three boxes: a golden box, a box made of acacia wood, and another golden box. The first golden box was put in the box of acacia wood which in turn was put in the second golden box. It also came with a cover called the Atonement Cover which sealed the top of the box. And on top of the Atonement Cover were two cherubim. By studying the Ark of the Covenant, we can dig up a lot of messages and teachings, but basically let us think about three points: the Ten Commandments; the Atonement Cover; and the Meeting Place (fellowship with the Lord). 

(1) The Ten Commandments

The ark contains three objects: two stone tablets which set forth Moses' Ten Commandments, Aaron's staff, and the gold jar of manna (Heb 9:4). Aaron's staff refers to the Lord's power of resurrection. The gold jar of manna refers to the Lord's power to provide everything we need for life, especially bread and not just physical bread but spiritual bread as well --food which nurtures our body and soul. 

For our own purposes today let us focus on the Ten Commandments. As many of us already know the Ten Commandments show us how to keep our relationships going, both our relationship with the Lord God and our relationship with our neighbors. When Jesus came he summed up Moses' commandments with one word: love-- love of our Lord and love of our neighbors. But first things first and second things second, that is, we need to love the Lord our God first, only then can we love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Ten Commandments are the divine framework of life. Anyone who deviates from them will only see that the enjoyment of his life is not as satisfying as it ought to be. Consistent with this truth, when Jesus came he said the same thing, for on one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. ‘Teacher,’ he asked, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life? ‘What is written in the Law?’ he replied. ‘How do you read it?’ He answered: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.” “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

(2) The Atonement Cover

When we think about it, we do not keep Moses' Ten Commandments all the time. In fact so many of us break at least one, two, three, or more, and we have broken them again and again at one point or another. 

When this happens what will happen to us? Is all of our hope for life gone? When we break the divine framework for life, yes, we will lose everything, including our life. We will suffer from the ill consequences of breaking the commandments. So what shall we do? There is nothing we can do. We are stuck. We are helpless. 

But the Lord God always comes up with a solution to all of our failures. Like a mother who keeps coming to her baby to change diapers, so too does the Lord God find a way to have all of our sins forgiven, in order that we can bounce back from our failures and come into fellowship with him again. 

We can call this the way of God, the way to have all of our sins forgiven as God's divine backup plan. This back up plan is found in the Atonement Cover which is also known as “the Mercy Seat.” Leviticus 16 describes in detail how the High Priest must have access to this Mercy Seat once a year on a day called the "Day of Atonement" and offer atoning sacrifices as designated by the Lord God. Leviticus 16:14 specifically says that the priest is to sprinkle the bull's blood seven times before the Atonement Cover. This sprinkling of blood foreshadows the reality to come, namely the blood of Jesus, which was shed on the cross as an atoning sacrifice.

(3) The Meeting Place

The third branch of the framework of life has to do with the third function of the Ark of the Covenant, that is, fellowship with the Lord. 

Many wonder, "how can I speak to God?" or "How does the invisible God speak to visible human beings?" In studying the book of Joshua we see in many places the expression, "the Lord said to Joshua" (cf. Jos 3:7; 4:1,15; 5:2, etc. and so forth). Then we ask, "how did the Lord speak to Joshua?" Or ”how did Joshua hear his voice?” Numbers 7:89 answers the question: "When Moses entered the Tent of Meeting to speak with the LORD, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two cherubim above the atonement cover on the ark of the Testimony. And he spoke with him." As this passage says, the Lord God continued to address Moses in an audible voice from above the Atonement Cover called the Mercy Seat. So was the case with Joshua.

For this reason in seven places of the Bible we read the expression, "[the Lord God] is enthroned between the cherubim." (1Sa 4;4; 2Sa 6:2; 2Ki 19:15; 1Ch 13:6; Psalm 80:1; Psalm 99:1; Isa 37:16). Strangely enough we see the cherubim first mentioned in Genesis 3:24. Let us go back to the book of Genesis and read Genesis 3:24. "After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life." This verse says that since the Fall, and the first sin committed by Adam and Eve - the Lord God blocked access to the Garden of Eden! But here in the passage about the Ark of the Covenant we see that the way the Lord made was visible once again! The communication line between the Lord God and his children was opened up! This spiritual hotline is what I would call the third framework of life. And we can call this line "the way for us to have fellowship with the Lord." 

So, here is the framework of life consisting of three branches: the commandment to love, the mercy to have all of our sins forgiven, and as we approach the Lord God with this faith in his sin-forgiving love, we have the privilege to talk to him and have fellowship with him! We can hear his voice, and we can participate in his will! Then we can go out and talk to our neighbors in loving terms. 

Hebrew 10:1, which I would call "Life 101" says, "The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming--not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship." The Ark of the Covenant recorded in Moses' Law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming and have come, that is, Jesus Christ. Jesus came to reveal God. Jesus came to open the way for us to approach God. He is the way for us to love our neighbors. In him we find the way to have all of our sins forgiven, and in him we can enjoy fellowship with our Heavenly Father! This is the divine framework of life. 

Second, what should we do with the Ark of the Covenant? 

What then should we do with this divine framework of life? What did the Israelites do with the Ark of life? We find the answer to this question in the two chapters which we are covering this Sunday, namely Joshua 3 and 4, but especially Joshua 3:1-3, and particularly 3:3. Let us read Joshua 3:3. "Giving orders to the people: “When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it." Here two words are important: “see” and “follow.” See the ark and follow it. 

"When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord our are to move out from your positions and follow it." This command then reminds us of two Bible verses. First, John 1:29, "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" The word "see" is the same as the word "look." The command to see and follow also reminds us of another one of Jesus’ commands which Jesus so solemnly gave to many of his followers, "Come, follow me!" When Jesus came he said to many of his disciples and disciple-candidates as well, "Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me." This is what we should do daily. The word "follow" means we must first be a good follower before being able to lead anyone. There are a lot of people who want to lead without first following. Anyone who does not learn how to follow cannot make himself a good leader. Of course he can lead without following Jesus. But he will lead people only to destruction. So we need to see Jesus, the real Ark of the Covenant, and follow him daily. 

And in so doing we must remember that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, that in Jesus we can find the way to have all of our sins forgiven, and that in Jesus we can find the new and living way for us to meet the Living God daily! Say, "Jesus is the Living Way to the Living God!" 

II. The Lord will do amazing things among you (3:5-17)

When we look up to Jesus Christ and follow him to the end what will happen? Basically the Lord God will do three things:

First, “the Lord will let us know which way to go”

Look at v. 4, "Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. But keep a distance of about a thousand yards between you and the ark; do not go near it." The immediate meaning of this passage is to say that the Israelites would know the way to get to the Promised Land. They had never been this way before. But the Ark of the Covenant would show them the way. But there is a deeper meeting than that. That is, as we look up to Jesus and follow him, he finds us the way to the Promised Land, to the heavenly one. Jesus is the way to the Father. He is the only way to the living God. Nowadays we have been having worship service each Wednesday based on the book of Acts. Last Wednesday Shepherd Jason Koch and Shepherd Nathan Inan delivered the powerful message that when we repent and believe in Jesus, he will give us the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit is God who comes to dwell within us. This Holy Spirit is none other than the glory of God who led the Israelites for 40 long years, leading them from Day One after the Exodus all way to the Jordan River, beyond which lies the Promised Land. 

As we have fellowship with him, he lets us know which way to go. He makes us wise enough to know how to talk with God, how to listen to him, and how to communicate with others with words of wisdom, grace, and truth. 

Second, “water piled up in a heap”

Look at v. 5. “Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.’” When we repent of our sins, look up to Jesus, follow him daily, and fully dedicate ourselves to him, then he always does amazing things -- first in  and among us and then in and among many others through us. In the immediate case here, ‘the amazing things’ mainly refers to the Jordan River piling up in a heap. And indeed as the Ark stood firmly in the riverbed, the waters piled up in a heap. To actually see this let us read Joshua 3:16, “The water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah (the Salt Sea) was completely cut off. So the people crossed over opposite Jericho.” 

This Jordan River is symbolic of the power of death. This river stems from the Sea of Galilee and flows into the Dead Sea. What sea? Yes. It empties into the Dead Sea. But for those who are dedicated to Jesus and his cause, the stream of water leading to death stands up so that they can cross over it on a dry ground. And this amazing miracle takes place inside of us. And it clears us of all the wicked streams of water flowing inside of us and instead creates within us a stream of living water that is welling up to eternal life. 

Eventually the Ark of the Covenant, which stopped the stream from blocking the Israelites to the Promised Land, refers to the divine presence of God, which the Lord God established within a believer through the sending of the Holy Spirit who after his physical death will lead him to the eternal presence of the Lord God! He is the one who will let us know the way to the Father’s house, even as Romans 8:9-10 say, “You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.”

Three, “armed for battle”

Living in a Christian country, we have been told a number of times, “Believe in Jesus, and then you are all set and ready to go.” What do they mean by “you are all set?” Well, first of all it does not mean that we can just sit back and do nothing. Rather the Bible teaches us that salvation from the power of sin and death is the beginning. The beginning of what? Let us read the key verse, “About forty thousand armed for battle crossed over before the LORD to the plains of Jericho for war.” Again, war is an openly declared, armed, and hostile confrontation between groups, states, or nations. In fact the war we are facing in Jesus is between the two kingdoms, the Kingdom God and the kingdom of the evil one. The Lord God calls his children to fight the Lord’s battle and save each soul one by one with Jesus’ gospel. So we must remember this purpose of salvation, and our status as members of the Lord’s army. With this in mind, we must pray to build a unity of love among ourselves, forgive each other, love one another, and encourage one another, so with a united force we would fight the Lord’s battle, especially serving the one to one ministry with the Lord’s world mission command in mind. 

III. What do these stones mean? (4:1-24)

Chapter 4 is an epilogue. It mainly stresses the importance of educating the next generation about the great miracles the Lord performed in the history of the Israelites. When we study this Bible passage we see that there are certain miracles that the Lord God does not perform again and again; he only performs them once or at most twice, and that’s it. The reason for this is not because of his inability to perform miracles again and again but because of his will to let all of us have a sense of history and develop an independent faith in him. 

How then can we have a sense of history? How can we develop independent faith in him? How can we help people, particularly the newly emerging generation, to develop this independent faith in him? There is only one way and one way alone, that is, to give them a history lesson, teaching them the meaning of what the Lord has done so far. This is what the Lord God commanded the Israelites to do, for in the passage the Lord God commanded Joshua to choose 12 witnesses, one from each tribe, twice. One set of the twelve was to witness the miracle by staying closely to the Ark of the Covenant so they could later work as witnesses. The next set was chosen to take the stones from the riverbed, and build a monument out of them, so when the children of generations to come would ask, "What do these stones mean?" they could explain, "Oh, these stones mean that if you look up to the Lord and follow him, even the Jordan River will stand up." Then they will say, "Wow! That is awesome." Then parents can teach something else as well such as Moses’ Ten Commandments, and much more.

In this way, when they keep giving the next generation history lessons, the end result will be that all peoples on earth will get to know the power of the Lord and develop a reverent fear of the Lord. As this happens to all humanity, then just as Isaiah shared in Isaiah 11:9, the vision of the perfect era where all of Creation will live in peace, without any fear or anxiety, will surely come. As Isaiah says, "They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea."

One word: Armed for Battle



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