The Breath of His Mouth

Apr 15, 2003

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3:18

The Breath of His Mouth

The Breath of His Mouth

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3:18

Key Verse 2:8

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

This passage teaches us two things: 1) the promise of Jesus' second coming, which is yet to take place; and 2) what we ought to do in view of the promise of His second coming.

The title, "breath of His mouth", represents the means by which to live a victorious life until the day of the Lord’s coming. Breath of his mouth is symbolic of the word of God which is God breathed. 

1. Read vs. 1-2 together with 1Th 4:13-5:11. Suppose Jesus comes again "tonight". According to these Bible passages what will happen to the one who belongs to Jesus Christ and yet is still here on earth living in a mortal body? Yet what does some prophecy, report, or letter say on "the day of the Lord"? In what respect is their allegation "unsettling" or "alarming"? 

** He or she will be "gathered" to Jesus Christ in rapture.

** The day of the Lord has come and passed. 

** It is unsettling and alarming in that: 

1) You lost the chance to be saved, so you are in a big trouble; 

2) You have no more reason to deny yourself, take up the cross, and follow Jesus. Rather you have every reason to despair, saying, "Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die." 

2. Read vs. 3-4 and describe the condition(s) which must be satisfied before the coming of "that day". How is the "occurrence" of the rebellion related to the "revelation" of the lawless man? What does this passage tell us about the "man"? 

** Two conditions: 1) occurrence of the "rebellion"; and 2) the revelation of the man of lawlessness.

** The former prepares an environment in which the latter would work smoothly, holding  complete sway over a multitude of people. It is like when a man's body gets corrupted, maggots thrive and finish what is left. 

** He is an embodiment of disorderliness. The Lord God created the world according to the creation order: God first, man second, and the world third. But he puts himself above God. 

3. Read vs. 5-7. What is holding the lawless man back (Rm 13:1,2; Rev 2:1-3:22; Gen 6:3)? Why is he held back? Yet when will he be allowed to be revealed? What can we learn here about God (Ecc 3:11; Isa 45:7; Rm 11:36)?

** Arguably three things are holding him back:

1) [Human] government;

2) Church; and

3) The Holy Spirit. 

** When God removes the Holy Spirit from this world (Gen 6:3). This is when the Lord God also takes the church out of this world. Of course, human governmental system will also be in disarray and dysfunctional, for leaders themselves will be corrupt and disobedient.  

** God is still in control. He works everything in such a way that those who are in compliance with His purpose can be saved, and those who are in rebellion should be perfectly lost, all according to God's timing. God is never like an old grandpa who does nothing but dozing off all day long, doing nothing, in a convalescent home. 

4. Read vs. 8-12 and describe: (1) the reason why people perish; and (2) the way to not perish, but be saved. According to this passage, who holds the key to either condemnation or salvation? 

** They perish because they refuse to love and live by the truth, and instead choose to love wickedness. 

** To love the truth and follow it. Ultimate truth is Jesus Christ. So the only way to avoid perishing is to love and follow Jesus Christ, living a life in such a day that is consistent with Jesus' character. 

** Each person. 

5. Read vs. 13-15 and describe: (1) the role of God; and (2) the role of man, in working out the salvation of man. What does it mean to "share in the glory" of our Lord Jesus Christ?

** He does three things: 1) he loved the world so much that he sent His one and only son Jesus Christ; 2) he chose to save the dying world; and 3) he calls each person one by one by sending his servant like the Apostle Paul. 

** We need to do two things which are not two but one, that is, 1) stand firm, by 2) holding onto the teachings (about the way of salvation). 

** By the glory, the Apostle Paul mainly means "resurrection" of this mortal body, which is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of a believer. 

6. Read 2:16-3:5 and describe Paul's prayer topics for: (1) the brothers in the Lord; and (2) the gospel workers like Paul. What can we learn here about the way for us to serve God's work?

** Two prayer topics for the brothers in the Lord: 1) May the Lord God encourage your hearts and strengthen you; 2) may the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance.

** Two prayer topics for  gospel workers like Paul: 1) God's messages may be honored; and 2) the Lord God would deliver them from wicked and evil men. 

** 1) It can most effectively be done through  team work between shepherds and sheep; 2) The importance of offering prayers which are offered in one mind, spirit, and soul among all church members, both clergymen as well as laymen. 

7. Read vs. 6-18. How many times is the word "idle" repeated? In v. 11, Paul says that some are idle, and yet live as "busybodies". What does it mean to be idle and yet live as busybodies? What is their real problem (10,12)? What does Paul's admonition teach us about the biblical view of "work" (Gen 2:15; Jn 6:27)?

** 3 (3:6,7,11). 

** Paul mainly means the idle condition of their "inner person". They may be busy in their bodies, but idle in their minds and spirits. Paul says this with the understanding that essentially a spiritual man is restful man, as the Prophet Isaiah says in Isaiah 30:15, "This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it."" It is a truly spiritual person who can work hard, and bear fruit that is fragrant and beneficial to all. 

** Their real problem is to claim privileges but avoid responsibilities. They are called 'social welfare' Christians. 

** God saved us to recover the sense of mission, so we would work for God's glory, not for food that perishes, much less to go idle enjoying (or demanding) God to sacrifice, with himself or herself doing nothing. 


The key is to grow to be a spiritual man, for Zechariah 4:6 says, "So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty."" 

The end. 



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