This is my prayer

May 18, 2003

Philippians 1:1-11



Philippians 1:1-11

Key Verse 1:9

1. Read vs. 1-2. Paul calls the brothers and sisters in Philippi "saints". On what basis do you think Paul calls them "saints" (2, 6, 11)? What can we learn from Paul about the way for us to see brothers and sisters in the Lord (1Pe 1:18-19; Rev 5:9; Mat 18:10)? 

2. Read vs. 3-4. What do the following words show us about Paul's life of prayer: 1) “I remember you”; 2) “In all my prayers for all of you”; and 3) “I always pray with joy”? Why is it important for us to pray not just for ourselves but for others as well? 

3. Read vs. 3-8. What does this passage tell us about: 1) the spiritual level of the Philippians (5, 7, Phi 4:14-16); 2) the basis of Paul's confidence about them; and 3) the reasons for Paul's special thanks, joy, and "affection" for them? What can we learn from the Philippians? 

4. Memorize vs. 9-10 and describe: 1) the way to discern "what is best"; and 2) the contents of that which is best. What can we learn from Paul as a shepherd for the flock of God (2Co 13:11)? 

5. Read v. 11. What does the word "righteousness" suggest to us about the source of (good) fruit one can bear in the Lord? What does this passage indicate about the way to fulfill the purpose of our life (Gen 1:26-28; Isa 43:7)?



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