Shine as stars

Jun 8, 2003

Philippians 2:12-30



Philippians 2:12-30

Key Verse 2:14-16

1. Read v. 12a. Paul calls the saints at the church of Philippi, "my dear 'friends'". Why did Paul call them my dear "friends" (Jn 15:14,15; Phi 1:5;4:10)? 

2. Read vs. 12b-13. Why is it that one must work out salvation "with 'fear' and 'trembling'" (13; Deu 6:15; Jos 3:10; Mt 28:20)? What does "work out your salvation" practically mean? How can we fulfill this purpose? 

3. Read vs. 14-15a. In what respect is it unbecoming of "children" of God to do everything complaining and arguing? How can we be become "blameless", "pure", and children of God "without fault" in a crooked and depraved generation (Gen 6:9; 17:1; Rm 1:17)? What does this passage tell us about the kind of standard God has for his children (1Pe 1:16; Mt 5:48)?

4. Read vs. 15b-17. What does this passage teach us about: 1) the purpose of salvation (Gn 12:4; Jn 21:15); 2) the way to fulfill the purpose of saving each individual (16); 3) the sacrifice that is required of a shepherd (17); and 4) the reward for such a life of sacrifice? 

5. Skim through 19-30. What does this passage (particularly vs. 19 and 26-28) tell us about the relationship between shepherd and sheep even as they physically live apart? What can we learn from the example of the relationship between Paul and his flock at the church of Philippi?

6. Read vs. 19-24. The Apostle Paul is known as one of the great "apostles". Yet, what does Paul say about a servant of God like Timothy? What does the Bible say about a man like him (Lk 22:27)? What can we learn from Timothy?

7. Read vs. 25-30. Put yourself in the position of Epaphroditus on a mission journey from Philippi to Rome of Paul's day. In what respect was it not an easy task? What do expressions like "my brother", "fellow worker", "fellow soldier", "almost died for the work of Christ", or "risking his life" show us about Epaphrodidus? What can we learn from him? 



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