One thing I do

Jun 22, 2003

Philippians 3:12-4:1



Philippians 4:2-9

Key Verse 4:9

1. Read vs. 2-3. What does the phrase "in the Lord" indicate about the way for two people with two differing opinions to agree with each other (Eph 4:3-6)? Why is it necessary for the members of a church "agree with" each other (3)? Why is it such a serious matter for all to contend as one man in the cause of the gospel (Rev 20:15)? 

2. Memorize v. 4. Is it possible for one to rejoice in the Lord "always"? Why (Psa 16:11; Lk 2:10)? The word "rejoice" is repeated twice. Why does Paul put so much emphasis on rejoicing?

3. Memorize v. 5. What does "Let your gentleness be 'evident' mean? How can one be gentle to "all" (5b; Mat 5:11-12; 1Pe 4:5; Rm 12:19)? 

4. Read v. 6. What does it mean to be "anxious" about anything? Paul indicates that presenting one's requests to God is the antidote to anxiety. How are the following related to one another in presenting one's requests to God: 1) prayer; 2) petition; and 3) thanksgiving? How is prayer different from petition? Why is thanksgiving necessary in presenting one's requests to God? 

5. Read v. 7. What does the expression "the peace 'of' God" suggest to us about the origin of the peace Paul talks about? What does this peace do for us (Pro 4:23)? 

6. Read v. 8. Here Paul talks about the "right" objects of our thoughts. Why is it necessary for us to control what we think?

7. Read v. 9. In v. 7, Paul talked about "the peace of God", but here he speaks about "the God of peace". On what condition will this happen to us? 



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