One thing I do

Jun 22, 2003

Philippians 3:12-4:1


  The God of peace

Philippians 4:2-9

Key Verse 4:9

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

** This passage teaches us the way for one to live a life that is at peace with God. 

1. Read vs. 2-3. What does the phrase "in the Lord" indicate about the way for two people with two differing opinions to agree with each other? Why is it necessary for the members of a church "agree with" each other (3)? Why is it such a serious matter for all to contend as one man in the cause of the gospel (Rev 20:15)? 

** It indicates that when we are in the Lord, the Lord, who is one, can bring all to be one in purpose, mind, spirit, and direction. Read Deu 6:4 and Eph 4:3-6.

** To be able to "contend" for the gospel like one man. The word "contend" is indicative of spiritual battles that are going on, for the enemy Satan always looks to divide (God's people) and conquer. 

** It is the gospel which saves man, qualifying man for the right to live in the eternal presence of the eternal God of eternal life. 

2. Memorize v. 4. Is it possible for one to rejoice in the Lord "always"? Why (Psa 16:11; Lk 2:10)? The word "rejoice" is repeated twice. Why does Paul put so much emphasis on rejoicing?

** Yes. 

** It is possible because in the first place real joy comes from God, and therefore is independent of circumstances (like people giving you a hard time or events that seem annoying). And when we are in the Lord, the Lord removes all elements (like sin) that rob us of joy. 

** For two reasons: 1) Our sinful nature so easily leads us to complain; 2) Rejoicing works as a safeguard for us, in that it keeps us from dropping out of the race, but helps us to continue on with our journey to His kingdom until we can make it (Phi 3:1). Remember what happened to the Israelites who after exodus kept complaining. 

3. Memorize v. 5. What does "Let your gentleness be ‘evident’ mean? How can one be gentle to "all" (5b; Mat 5:11-12; 1Pe 4:5; Rm 12:19)? 

** "Evident" = conspicuous, visible, real. 

** We can be gentle to even those who persecute us, for it is not for us to judge, but for Jesus to judge. Plus, by being gentle even to those who give us a hard time, we heap burning coals on their head (Romans 12:20). 

4. Read v. 6. What does it mean to be "anxious" about anything? Paul indicates that presenting one's requests to God is the antidote to anxiety. How are the following related to one another in presenting one's requests to God: 1) prayer; 2) petition; and 3) thanksgiving? How is prayer different from petition? Why is thanksgiving necessary in presenting one's requests to God? 

** Anxious = being pulled in different directions.

** They are progressive in order, that is, pray first, and prayer leading to pleading, and pleading resulting in thanksgiving. 

** Prayer is the general form of making requests known to God. It mainly refers to coming to the Lord, worshiping him, listening to him, adoring him, etc. 

But petition means more serious business. It means to offer requests in earnest. Example: Jesus pressing himself to God in earnest with his prayer request, pressing even to the point of seeing his sweat turning to blood. 

** 1) God is pleased with those who are thankful. Thanksgiving is the best expression of faith, and God is pleased with absolute unwavering faith that believes that God exists and rewards those who earnestly seek him. 

2) Thanksgiving is the key to securing what is best from God, and what is best for us includes God not allowing us to have what we often ask so persistently for or allowing what we ask not according to our own time schedule but according to God's. 

5. Read v. 7. What does the expression "the peace 'of' God" suggest to us about the origin of the peace Paul talks about? What does this peace do for us (Pro 4:23)? 

** God is the source.

** It guards our hearts and minds, so we can enjoy our life to the full, functioning well without a glitch. 

6. Read v. 8. Here Paul talks about the "right" objects our thoughts. Why is it necessary for us to control what we think?

** Thought --> action --> habit --> character --> destiny.

7. Read v. 9. In v. 7, Paul talked about "the peace of God", but here he speaks about "the God of peace". On what condition will this happen to us? 

** Putting into practice what the Bible teaches us to do. 

The end. 



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