The Secret of Being Content

Jul 6, 2003

Philippians 4:10-23


  The secret of being content

Philippians 4:10-23

Key Verse 4:12-13

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

This passage teaches us the secret of being content in all circumstances, that is, faith in the Lord's provision and empowerment. 

1. Read v. 10. What does Paul mean by "you have renewed your 'concern' for me" (15-18)? What does the phrase "in the Lord" suggest to us about the relationship between the Lord and the provision that came to Paul through the church of Philippi (Gen 22:14; 45:5; Mat 6:33)? What did this faith do for Paul? 

** He means material offerings.

** It was the Lord who provided Paul with what Paul needed. The saints at Philippi were the channel. The real provider was the Lord himself. The Lord God always goes on ahead of his children. He never asks his children to do this or that without first lining up the way(s) in which to assist his children to fulfill what the Lord desires them to fulfill. Examples include: what Abraham experienced in Genesis 22; and what Joseph had learned after his life's journey from his father's house to Egypt. 

** This faith gave Paul "great joy"; in fact this faith is the source of Paul’s contentment.

2. Read vs. 11-12. What does [to be or being] "content" mean? What does Paul mean by "circumstances" or "situation"? What does Paul's testimony suggest to us about the way in which God desires his children to deal with their environment (Gen 1:26-28)? What do words such as "learned" (repeated twice) or "secret" indicate about the way to fulfill God's desire? 

** Being content is different from being complacent. For example, a complacent person is unconcerned about others, whereas content people want to share blessings with others. Content means "being sufficient in the Lord who is our good shepherd, for as the good shepherd the Lord ensures that his flock would not be in want. The best description of person content in the Lord is described in Psalm 23. 

** Circumstances or situation means external conditions, as opposed to what is going on inside of you. They simply mean the universe outside, rather than the universe inside (of you.)

** God designed his children in such a way that they should conquer the environments, rather than being conquered by them. God never intended his children to be dictated to by the circumstances. God's true intention is to let his children dictate the circumstances, so that they would never be "discontented" regardless of circumstances. In God's design the joy, the sense of happiness, the condition of being and staying "cool" at all times should always be independent of the circumstances. 

** The choice of these words indicates that as we live in this fallen world, due to our sinful nature, it is not easy for us to practically be content in all circumstances. But if we have "learned" the secret, then this ideal is achievable. And the word "secret" indicates that it is not as obvious as it sounds. It requires a special revelation given only to those who demonstrate their full commitment to the relationship with Lord. 

3. Memorize v. 13. How many possibilities does "everything" include? (Take at least three examples.) What does the expression "through him who gives me 'strength'" tell us about the way the Lord helps his children to cope with [adverse] environments? 

** Infinite number of possibilities like pioneering college campuses, co-working with brethren in the Lord, particularly the ones whom you think hold different opinions than yours, overcoming sin problems, bad habits, losing weight, etc. 

** 1) Direction - The Lord Jesus works inside out, not outside in. 

2) Means - by providing "strength" from within rather than improving external circumstances ‘on their behalf' without improving their inner persons first. 

3) Resources - The word "through" indicates that the resources are in Jesus, not in any others. 

4) Nature of the resources - The word "secret" indicates that these resources are "hidden" in Jesus. This is true of all of nature. For example a great tree sends its roots down into the earth and draws up water and minerals, while its entire body above the ground does its best to absorb necessary ingredients like sun light or oxygen. This indicates we need to maintain an absolutely intimate relationship with Jesus Christ all the time, just like a tree rooted deep in the ground. (Read John 15:1-8.)

4. Read vs. 14-17. The [material] gift wasmmn transferred from the account of the saints at the church of Philippi to that of Paul in Rome. Yet, Paul says, "It was good of 'you' to share in my troubles." He also says, "I am looking for what may be credited to your account." What does Paul mean by "credited to your 'account'" (Mat 6:19-20; 10:42)? What does this passage show us about the grace of giving in the Lord?

** It means they were the "real" beneficiaries, not Paul. 

** It shows us that offering is a spiritual investment which earns the lasting dividends with lasting value. 

5. Read v. 18. The gifts went to Paul's account, and yet, Paul describes them as "a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to 'God'". What does this tell us about the nature of the act of giving in the Lord (Mat 6:21)? 

** It means that it was not just a physical dimension, but a spiritual dimension, for the minute you sacrifice anything materially for the sake of the Lord, the Lord keeps it recorded in his books so you would never fail to see the dividend corresponding to your sacrifice.


6. Read v. 19. What do the following expressions teach us about God's blessings on those who make material offerings in the Lord: 1) "'my' God"; 2) "will meet 'all' your needs"; and 3) "according to his 'glorious' riches in Christ Jesus"? 

** 1) The word "my" [God] shows us the cause of your investment. For example, they invested in Paul who served the Lord's world mission purpose. So God blesses them accordingly.

2) The word "will" indicates that the result is sure to come, although on many occasions not at your own time. 

Further, the word "all" indicates you sow what is material (which is limited or rather 'partial') but you reap what is full, like full spiritual satisfaction, inexpressible joy, etc.

The word "needs" is different from "greed". Needs mean that you are never going to be "discontent" (or dissatisfied) in any way whatsoever. 

3) The word "glorious" indicates that the quality of the blessings is heavenly, which is good and perfect!

7. Read vs. 20-23. In the passage there are two "Amen's". What does "Amen" mean? What does this passage reveal to us about the nature of the nature of the fellowship in the Lord?

** 1) Among other meanings, the first Amen talks about the nature of the life in the Lord, that is, "glory", the manifestation of God's essential qualities.

2) The next Amen indicates the fullness of the life in the Lord, for Jesus says that the spirit gives life to man while the flesh counts for nothing. The word "grace" has the meaning of "beauty". The end. 



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