The Lord is My Shepherd

Jul 13, 2003

bible.psalm 23:1-6



Psalm 23:1-6

Key 23:1

1. Memorize v. 1. The expression, "I shall not be in want", is in the future tense. What does this statement suggest to us about: 1) David’s present condition; 2) the prospects of his future; and 3) the basis of such a vision? In what respect is his vision of life different from that of many others? What can we learn here from David about the way we should see our life on this planet earth? 

2. Read v. 2. What does the verb "makes" indicate to us about the nature of a sheep? What do "green pastures" refer to? What is it like to "lie down in green pastures"? What do "quiet waters" stand for (Isa 8:6-7; Lk 15:13; Rev 7:17)? What does this passage signify about the needs we have in the Lord? 

3. Read v. 3a. David talks about "soul" instead of "body". What is a soul (Psa 42:1-11; Mat 10:28; 16:26; 1Th 5:23; Heb 4:12)? What does this passage teach us about the need we have as a human being? 

4. Read v. 3b. David uses the word "guides" rather than "pushes" or "forces". What does this suggest to us about the way he helps his children? What do the following words tell us about the need(s) we have in life: 1) "paths of righteousness"; and 2) "for his name's sake"? 

5. Read vs. 4-5a. What do the expressions, "the valley of the shadow of death" or "in the presence of my enemies", tell us about our life’s journey through this world? Yet what do the following statements teach us about the Lord as the shepherd: 1) "you are with me"; 2) "your rod and your staff, they comfort me"; and 3) "you prepare a table before me"?

6. Read vs. 5b-6. What does "You anoint my head with oil" mean? What does it mean to say, "my cup overflows"? 

7. Memorize v. 6. David says, "Surely goodness and love will follow me" (instead of David following goodness and love). What does this suggest to us about the way to live a "fruitful" life? David distinguishes "all the days of my life" from the life that lives in the house of the Lord "forever". What does this distinction indicate about David's view of life? 



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