O Lord, forgive our wickedness

Jul 27, 2003

Exodus 32:1-34:28



Exodus 32:1-34:28

Key Verse 34:9

1. Read 32:1-6. What caused the people to make an idol (1)? What is an idol (Col 3:5)? What is wrong with worshiping an idol like this (24:8; Jer 3:20; Psa 115:8; Rm 1:21)? What can we learn from their failure (Mat 25:5; Luk 12:45)? 

2. Read vs. 7-14. Upon hearing Moses' prayer, the Lord "relented". What does this show us about the Lord? What can we learn from Moses as a shepherd?

3. Read vs. 15-30. Moses helped people repent. How did he do it? What can we learn from him (Lev 19:17; Pro 28:23; Mt 18:15; 1Ti 5:20)? 

4. 32:31-34:9 describe Moses' efforts to make "atonement" for their sin (32:30). What do the following actions tell us about Moses as a shepherd?

1) "But now, please forgive their sin, but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written (32:32)." 

2) "Moses used to take a tent and pitch it...calling it the 'tent of meeting' (33:7)."

3) "The Lord would speak to Moses face to face...(33:11)."

4) "Teach me your ways so I may know you...(33:13)."

5) "Now show me your glory (33:18)."

6) "O Lord...let the Lord go with us (34:9a)."

7) "Although this is a stiff-necked people, forgive our wickedness and our sin, and take us as your inheritance (34:9b)." 

5. How did the Lord bless Moses' efforts? What does this episode teach us about the need for a mediator between God and men (Gal 3:20)? What does Moses' example teach us about the efficacy of the intercessory prayers offered by Jesus (1Ti 2:5; Heb 4:15; 8:5; 9:15)?



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