Faith of Moses

Apr 18, 2004

Hebrews 11:23-28

The faith of Moses


Hebrews 11:23-28

Key Verse 11:24

In this passage, we can learn Moses’ faith which saves many (even millions) from bondage to the power of sin and Satan into the freedom to worship the Lord and serve Him with great joy. 


Exodus 1:1-2:10 describes a background for the faith of Moses’ parents. What do the following expressions tell us about the work of faith: 1) “they saw he was no ordinary child”; and 2) they were not afraid of the king’s edict”? What practical applications can we think of in our modern society? 

** 1) Faith enables us to see each person from God’s point of view. For example, when we have faith that God created men, we can see each person as a soul with God’s image within him or her. Then we can understand God’s good purpose and will for each person. 

2) Faith sets us free from the fear of (visible) men, for this faith helps us to see God who is in control of all creations, including fearsome dictators like Pharaoh. 

** We can learn: 1) how to value man’s life as from God, even the life of a baby conceived in a mother’s womb; 2) the wisdom and courage to overcome the environment instead of falling victim to the circumstances. The second point is especially important, for when we have faith in God, the Lord God helps us to see temptations, hardships, trials, ordeals as God’s great opportunities to gain victories, even out of the deep pockets of our enemies. See how Moses’ parents’ faith helped Miriam to keep following the basket (containing the baby), and when the opportunity presented itself, by faith she jumped on it, and thereby helped Moses get admission to the royal academy all at government expense. The rule of thumb for those who live by faith is that every hardship is a test from God, testing to see if our faith is truly genuine, as pure as silver refined seven times over. 1Pe 1:7-9; Job 23:10; Prov 17:3


Put yourself in the position of Moses as the [adopted] son of Pharaoh’s daughter. What difficulties might Moses have had in refusing to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter? Yet, by faith he refused to be known as such. What does this tell us about the work of faith? What wisdom is there for a Christian to learn? 

** Perhaps it might have been difficult to “betray” his foster mother, that is, Pharaoh’s daughter. Another difficulty might be the temptation to have power as the successor of the Egyptian Empire.

** Again, faith provides a believer with spiritual eyes to see everything correctly, like who is indeed behind Moses ending up in the hands of Pharaoh’s daughter, etc. It helps man to see above and beyond what is visible (or physical). 

** It helps us to have a clear identity as child of God, born of God, not of natural descent, human decision, or husband’s will. 


V. 25 uses the word “chose”. How many “choices” did Moses have? How are the choices characterized? The context suggests that it was “by faith” that Moses was able to make the right choice. What does Moses’ example teach us about the work of faith? 

** Only two

** Israelites were not just a mere slave nation, but the people of God!

The life in the royal palace is not something to be envious of, but to be shunned, for the palace itself is a den of all kinds of evil including idol worship, sexual immorality, etc. and so forth. 

** Moses accomplished what is impossible with human ability. By nature people hate suffering. But Moses chose to suffer for God’s people. With human will power, it is impossible to overcome the pleasures of sin. Prov. 5:22; Romans 7:14-24; John 3:19. The reason for it being so difficult for anyone to reject the pleasures of sin is its deceitfulness. Heb 3:13. 

** Faith helps us to see through the devil’s schemes, enabling us to make a right choice. Satan always turns the value system upside down by tempting people to think that suffering for God’s flock is always a bad idea, or by luring people to sin little by little until they are hooked on sinful pleasures. But faith helps man to see what is wrong and what is right, even in all the subtle aspects of life’s issues.  


Moses lived many centuries before Christ, and yet v. 26 indicates that Moses lived for the sake of Christ in his own generation. What does this teach us about the under current theme of the Scriptures? The context also allows us to put “By faith” in front of the passage in v. 26. What does the word [of greater] “value”, “treasures”, or “reward” point about the work of faith?

** The Scriptures all point to God’s salvation in and through Jesus. 

** Faith helps us to have a correct value system. It helps us to know what is valuable and what is not. Jesus Christ is the source of all that is valuable. Disgrace for the sake of Christ is the normal way to get to know Christ. 1Co 1:23; 2:14. Consider how Paul’s value system changed upon becoming Christ’s person. Phi 3:8-10


V. 27 says that Moses persevered because he saw him who is not visible. What does “saw” tell us about the work of faith? How long did he persevere? (Acts 7:23; Numbers 32:13; Deuteronomy 34;7) The Scripture says that perseverance builds character. What character traits did God build in Moses during this period? (Numbers 12:3) What does Moses’ example teach us about the way to see the difficulties of our life? 

** Humility, which is one of the most important qualities of a “leader” (shepherd) for God’s flock. Other qualities include patience.

** When we have faith in the Lord, we can see hard circumstances such as humiliating situations as opportunities to build godly character.  


V. 28 has Exodus 12 as a backdrop. What does Moses’ faith teach us about the assurance of salvation for those who have faith in Jesus Christ? (Romans 5:9)

** Many go to church and attend worship services but still lack assurance of their own salvation. But Moses’ example assures us of our salvation in the Lord, for the sprinkling of the blood of the lamb is symbolic of the reality to come, that is, the blood sacrifice of Jesus. 

The end. 





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