Is the Lord's Arm Too Short?

Aug 26, 2004

Numbers 11:1-35


Is The Lord’s Arm Too Short?

Numbers 11:1-35

Key Verse 11:23


In verses 1-3 by sending fire the Lord disapproved the people complaining about their hardships. This indicates that the Lord sent “hardships” for their own good. What good do hardships do for them? What does this episode teach us about the right attitude towards the hardships coming our way in our life’s journey in the Lord?


Consider the Lord’s strong disapproval of the people complaining about their food called “manna” in verses 4-10. Deuteronomy 8:3 says that by giving them manna alone for a prolonged period of time, the Lord God put the Israelites on a special training program. And the Israelites complained and the Lord disapproved. What does this incident show us about: 1) the Israelites; and 2) the Lord? What spiritual lessons can we learn for our spiritual growth in the Lord? 


In verses 11-17 Moses shared his burden as a shepherd, and the Lord relieved him of the burden. What wisdom does Moses’ cry teach us in shepherding over the flock of God? How did the Lord resolve the problem Moses presented? 


Verses 18-20 describe the words of the Lord Moses was to serve upon the people complaining. Why did the Lord ask them to “consecrate” themselves when the Lord was about to give the “meat” as a “punishment” (so to speak) for rejecting the Lord? 


Read verses 21-23 and think about Moses’ question and the Lord’s answer to the question. What message is the Lord trying to convey by asking Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short?” 


Think about the conversation between Joshua and Moses in verses 24-30. What can we learn from Moses’ reply in verse 29?


Look at verses 31-35. “Kibroth Hattaavah” means “graves of craving”. What spiritual lesson(s) does this place teach us in our life’s journey to His kingdom?



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