Isaiah 6:1-13
Key Verse 6:8
1. |
Verse 1 says that the vision came when Uzziah died. What does the Scripture say about the king Uzziah, especially the way he finished his life? (2Ch 26:3,11,19-21) What warning is there for us to heed from the way he ended his career as a king? |
2. |
Verses 2-3 describe another king, the heavenly one. What do the following descriptions say about him? 1) the Lord seated on a throne; 2) [a throne which is] high and exalted; 3) the train of his robe filled the temple; 4) Holy, holy, holy; 5) the Lord Almighty; and 6) the whole earth is full of his glory. |
3. |
Consider the impact of the sound of the seraphs’ voices, praising God in verse 4. What can we learn from them? (2Ch 20:21-26; Acts 16:25) |
4. |
Think about Isaiah’s experience in verses 5-7. When did he “realize” his sin? What was his sin? How did the Lord atone for his sin? How do you think this experience affected his life as the Lord’s servant? (Isaiah 55:8-9; 46:10) |
5. |
Meditate on the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” What does the Lord’s voice show us about his will for his people? |
6. |
Verse 8 indicates that Isaiah responded to God’s calling with joy. What might have motivated him to respond to His calling so enthusiastically? |
7. |
Verses 9-13 describe the message the Lord asked Isaiah to serve. What do you think the Lord is trying to say? |
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