To Bethlehem

Oct 31, 2004

Ruth 1:1-22

To Bethlehem


Ruth 1:1-22

Key Verse 1:19a


Verse 1 sets forth the background of the book entitled “Ruth”. What was the life like in the days when the judges ruled? (Judges 17:6; 17:1; 19:1; 21:25) 


Verses 1-2 describe a man named Elimelech relocating himself from Bethlehem of Judah to the country of Moab. What is the significance of Bethlehem of Judah in God’s history of redemption? (Genesis 35:19; 48:7; 1Sa 16:1; 17:12,15; Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4,11,15; John 7:42) Yet verse 1 says that it was famine that caused Elimelech to drift away to a heathen land. What does this suggest about Elimelech? 


How did they do in the country of Moab? (3-5) Why do you think this happened to them? (Genesis 12:1-5; 26:3; 28:15)


Read verses 6-18. The expression “return home” is repeated twice, referring to the home in Bethlehem and the one in the country of Moab. Ruth picked the former, but Orpah the latter. What made the difference?


Verse 19a reads, “So the two women went on until they came to Bethlehem.” Put yourself in the shoes of the two women. In what respect was it not an easy journey for each of them to complete?


Verses 19b-21 describe Naomi’s homecoming. What does “Naomi” mean? What does “Mara” mean? Naomi made a speech saying, “I went away full but the Lord has brought me back empty.” What can we learn from her statement? 


Verse 22 states, “[T]he barley harvest was beginning.” Compare this statement with verse 6 which says, “[T]he Lord had come to the aid of his people by providing food for them.” What does the Bible say about real food? (John 6:35,48) 



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