A Horn of Salvation

Dec 12, 2004

Luke 1:57-80



Luke 1:57-80

Key Verse 1:69


Read verses 57-66. Why did the angel insist on naming the child John? In what respect was it difficult for the couple to follow the angel’s direction? Yet, how did the couple obey? What can we learn from them? 


Verse 67 says that Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied. When was Zechariah filled with the Holy Spirit? What does this passage tell us about: 1) the way to be filled with the Holy Spirit; 2) the kind of person the Holy Spirit uses; and 3) the nature of the song described in verses 68-79? 


Consider the prophecy described in verse 68. At the time of prophecy the Christ was not yet born. Yet Zechariah testifies that he has (already) come and has (already) redeemed his people. Why was this Zechariah’s testimony? (Isaiah 46:10) What can we learn here about the way to secure the promises of God given to us in the Bible? (Habakkuk 2:4; Hebrews 11:1)


Read verses 69-74a. This passage indicates that God redeems people through raising a “horn” of salvation. What does a “horn” stand for? What does the expression “a horn of salvation” suggest about the way God saves man? 


Read verses 74b-75. What does this passage show us about the purpose of salvation? 


Verses 76-79 describe John’s mission. What practical applications can we find from the following statements in serving the Lord in our generation? 1) A prophet of the Most High; 2) you will go before the Lord; 3) prepare the way for him; 4) give his people the knowledge of salvation through forgiveness of their sins; 5) the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death; and 6) to guide our feet into the path of righteousness. 


Verse 70 describes how John prepared himself for the mission given to him by God. What do the following expressions tell us about the areas in which one needs to prepare himself for God’s mission? 1) the child grew; 2) and became strong in spirit; 3) and lived in the desert; and 4) until he appeared publicly in Israel.



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