Only Namaan

Jan 23, 2005

Luke 4:14-30



Luke 4:14-30

Key Verse 4:27


Verses 14-21 describe how Jesus officially introduced himself to his people. What does this passage show us about Jesus? In his words of introduction Jesus said, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” What does this statement mean to: 1) the people gathered in the synagogue; and 2) all people on earth?


Jesus’ congregation consisted of people from Nazareth of Galilee. Some Bible passages do not portray these places in a favorable light. (cf. John 1:46; Isaiah 9:1) Yet, why do you think Jesus started his ministry from there? 


Verses 18 and 19 use words like “the poor”, “the prisoners”, “the blind”, or “the oppressed.” What do these words indicate about the kind of people Jesus came to serve? What does the expression “The Spirit of the Lord” or “good news” indicate about the way Jesus is going to help them? 


Consider the expression “to proclaim the year of Lord’s favor” (especially the word “favor”). What does the word “favor” suggest about: 1) the kind of sacrifice the Lord had to make; and 2) the kind of attitude we need to have towards the work Jesus came to fulfill?



Think about the peoples’ response in verse 22. Verses 23-28 indicate that Jesus did not find their response acceptable (especially when they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?).Why? (Psalm 10:4; Luke 1:51; 8:18; 1Co 8:2) 


Jesus severely rebuked the people in verses 23-27. What can we learn from: 1) the widow in Zarephath (cf. 1Kings 17:14-16); and 2) Naaman ( cf, 2Kings 5:13,14)?


Compare the initial response of the people of Jesus’ hometown in verse 22 and their response to Jesus’ rebuke in verses 28-30. What can we learn from Jesus who confronted them, knowing that his rebuke might make them furious? (Psalms 94:11; Proverbs 1:23)



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