Be clean

Feb 13, 2005

Luke 5:12-16


Be Clean!

Luke 5:12-16

Key Verse 5:13


Think about what a man with leprosy did in verse 12. The Bible abounds with passages suggesting that leprosy is a type of sin. (E.g. Numbers 12:1-10; Lev 13:1-44; 47-59; 2Ki 5:27)  What do the following expressions teach us about the way to cope with the problem of sin? 1) A man came along who was ‘covered’ with leprosy (cf. Isaiah 1:5-6); 2) he ‘saw’ Jesus; 3) he fell to the ground; 4) [he] ‘begged’ him; 5) “Lord, if you are willing”; and 6) “you can make me clean.” 

** Sin problem pervades through man’s body, mind, and spirit, affecting man head to toe, causing man to dysfunction in his entire person, making him to feel shameful and guilty. It prompts man to hide behind a tree, rather than come from behind it, to the Lord. Yet, the man took courage and came out to the Lord, as he is. His example reminds us of the hymn that says, “Come just as you are.” 

** He made it all the way through, overcoming all the obstacles, until he could “see” Jesus. 

** The fact that he fell to the ground is indicative of his total humility (finding him as worth nothing with no merit at all).

** The word “begged” indicates that he asked Jesus to make him clean as a “charity” on Jesus’ part. Charity is something you do to others as a gift, not as a duty. 

** He did not insist on the Lord making him clean. To him, it was perfectly fine even if the Lord did not allow his request, for the Lord rightly might not wish to keep him clean. And in his understanding, the Lord had no obligation to make him well, and thus would be perfectly justified even if the Lord did not will that the man be made well. 

** He had an absolute faith in Jesus’ power to make him well.


Consider the way Jesus responded to the man’s request in verse 13. What do the following expressions tell us about Jesus? 1) Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man; 2) “I am willing”, he said; 3) “Be clean!”; and 4) “immediately the leprosy left him.” 

** It shows us Jesus’ messianic love in which He not only justifies us but also sanctifies us, and then glorifies us. 

In fact Jesus (being the head of the body) is pained even before we are pained for any discomfort. Upon us demonstrating full and absolute faith in Him, he is willing to forgive us of our sins and set us free from the ill effects of sin. 


Verse 14 uses the word “ordered” indicating the words Jesus gave the man are not mere “instructions” but a “command.” Why do you think Jesus ordered the man to do the following? 1) “Don’t tell anyone”; and 2) “go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing…”

** Jesus did not want him to “boast” about himself. Of course Jesus did not forbid him to tell about the work of God to honor God’s name. Jesus knows how easily we become proud of ourselves, such as our own bodily conditions like smooth or fair skin. See how many magazines advertise men or women baring their physical beauties for their own glories and thereby render the so called “models” as instruments of the devil. 

** Offering has to do with Moses’ law. But the essence of it is to help each person to live before God, giving thanks to God, remaining continually humble, so that nothing worse would hit him. By commanding them to make offerings, God taught them how to be thankful to God, not to men. To be thankful to God is hard to teach and hard to learn. 

John 5:14 Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” 


Verse 15 says that the more Jesus tried to hide the good work he had done, the more the news about him spread. How is Jesus different from many who are dying to advertise their good work in public? Why do you think Jesus commanded us not to advertise acts of righteousness? (Matthew 6:1-21)

** Jesus was exactly the opposite.

** He did it so we would be consistent with the way God works, that is, doing what is good without blowing trumpets. How to give is as important as what to give.


Look at verse 16. What does this passage show us about the source of Jesus’ power? 

** His personal relationship with God the Father





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