Get Up, Take Your Mat and Go Home!
Luke 5:17-26
Key Verse 5:24b
1. Verse 17 indicates that teaching (God's word) preceded Jesus' healing ministry. We see this pattern (teaching and healing) in other passages of the four gospels (cf. Luke 4:43) Why do you think Jesus put His priority on teaching? (Deuteronomy 28:15; 20,21; 59-61; Isaiah 45:7; Psalm 73:4-6; 2Co 12:9)
2. Verse 17b says, "The power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick." What does this passage indicate about the way for the Lord to release his power? (Eph 3:20; Luke 11:9)
3. Think about "some men" carrying their friend (a paralytic) on a mat to Jesus (18,19). How are they different from the Pharisees and teachers of the law? What can we learn from them?
4. Memorize verse 20. It was when Jesus saw the faith of several men that Jesus did what he did. The expression "When Jesus saw their faith" indicates that had they not demonstrated faith Jesus would not have been willing (or able) to work. (cf. Mark 6:5,6) Why?
5. In verse 20 Jesus called the man lying on a mat, "Friend!" Why? Jesus also said, "Your sins are forgiven" (instead of saying, "You are healed of your paralysis"). Why?
6. In verses 21-24a Jesus addresses the problem of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law. What does this passage tell us about Jesus as a good shepherd even for those who criticized him?
7. Verses 24-26 show us that Jesus forgave this man's sins first and then made him physically well. Combine this factor with the words Jesus gave to the man, "I tell you, get up, take up your mat and go home." Why do you think Jesus helped the paralytic man in this way? (Genesis 1:26-28; 12:2-3)
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