The Faith of the Centurion

May 8, 2005

Luke 7:1-10

The Faith of the Centurion�

 The Faith of the Centurion

Luke 7:1-10

Key Verse 7:9

1. Think about: 1) the position of the centurion stationed in Capernaum; 2) the social status of a servant under the rule of the Roman Empire of Jesus' day; and 3) the relationship between the two (1,2). What can we learn from the servant? What can we learn from the centurion?

2. Verse 3 includes the expression "heard of Jesus." What does this expression indicate about: 1) the Centurion's relationship with (or his level of knowledge of) Jesus; 2) the significance of people hearing "of Jesus"; and 3) the right way to help people hear "of Jesus" in our day?

3. Verses 3-5 describe some elders of the Jews praying to Jesus on behalf of the Roman centurion. In those days a wall of hostility existed between the Jews and the Gentiles. Yet, the centurion overcame this barrier. What does the Centurion's example teach us about the way to overcome barriers that might exist (or develop) among us?

4. Verse 6a reads, "So Jesus went with them." The word "So" points to the reason Jesus started towards the house of the centurion. What moved Jesus? What does this teach us about the kind of prayer that moves the heart of the Lord?

5. Verse 6 indicates that the centurion had "friends". Who were they? What does the word "friends" tell us about the centurion? 

6. Read verses 6-8 aloud. What does this passage tell us about: 1) the centurion’s view of (or attitude towards) Jesus; 2) his view of himself before Jesus; and 3) his faith in (the word of) Jesus? What does verse 8, especially the word "authority,” indicate about the way he came to have such faith? 

7. Consider what Jesus said to his followers in verse 9. Why did Jesus bother to say this to them? Is there any message(s) that we can apply to ourselves? What does verse 10 reveal about the way Jesus blessed the centurion's faith? 



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