A Noble and Good Heart

Jun 5, 2005

Luke 8:1-15

A Noble and Good Heart�

 A Noble and Good Heart

Luke 8:1-15

Key Verse 8:15

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

In this passage Jesus teaches us how we can live a life that fulfills God's purpose of creation, that is, to be fruitful and increase in number. Gen 1:28

1. Verse 1 indicates that the main point of Jesus' messages was the good news of the kingdom of God. What does "the good news of the kingdom of God" mean? 

** It refers to: 1) the gospel, that is, getting into the relationship with Jesus through repentance and faith in the Lord; and 2) the fruit that comes out of it, such as peace and joy of God. [Consider the points of the message in Luke 7 where we see the example of faith in the Gentile Centurion, the gospel message preached via John and Jesus, and another example of faith through a Jewish woman. The centurion and the woman heard the good news and got saved into His kingdom.]

2. Think about the women "co-workers" (in verses 2 and 3) who were helping Jesus and his Twelve by supporting them out of their own means. What did Jesus do for Mary (called Magdalene)? What does this passage show us about the purpose for which God created women? (Genesis 2:18,20) 

** Jesus healed her, so she would be okay. But his healing did not stop there. The real help came from Jesus giving her the right purpose of life, that is, from seeking man's love, to seeking God's kingdom purpose. 

** God created woman as a helper of man, helping men to serve God's purpose. The word "support" or "help” indicate that she is to take root in God, secure nutrition from there, and thereby support brothers to serve God's mission.

3. In verse 4 we see Jesus giving the parable of the sower to "a large crowd" coming to him from town after town. Combine this with the main point of the messages Jesus came to proclaim. What does this observation suggest about: 1) the crowd; and 2) Jesus' motive in giving them the parable?

** They did not have God's kingdom inside. Instead the kingdom of hell was growing in them.

** Jesus wanted to remove from their hearts what stands in the way to God's kingdom, so they would enjoy the joy of heaven and become fruitful.

4. Consider the parable in verses 4-8. Why do you think Jesus said, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear"? 

** It was to generate their spiritual interest in God's word which holds all the ingredients necessary for God's kingdom to arise in a man.

5. Verses 9 and 10 describe the disciples' request to Jesus and Jesus' response. Why would Jesus give "the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God" to the disciples, not to others?

** It was because the disciples had the desire to learn from Jesus, whereas the crowd did not.

6. Think about the kinds of people described in verses 11-14. What do the people who are like the path, the rock, and the thorns all have in common? How can each of them become a person who produces a good crop? 

** They failed to produce a crop (i.e., God's kingdom not arising in them.)

** 1) The path - remove the devil by following the three steps Jesus shared to Paul in Acts 26:18 ( open ones’ eyes; turn from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God; receive forgiveness of sins and a place in God's kingdom)

2) The rock - deeply rooted in the love of Jesus Christ

3) The thorns - enlighten them to know that the goodness and the enduring love of the Lord (and no other) are all one needs for quality life, so that they would not fall victim to materialism and humanism. [Note: worries come when one starts relying on himself or things of this world; riches and pleasures refer to the flesh oriented lifestyle, that is devoid of the spiritual dimension. Because God made man to be a spiritual being, that which is not spiritual can never make man satisfied.]

7. Read verse 15. What does Jesus mean by "a noble and good heart"? What does the word "noble" and "good" indicate about the way to live a fruitful life? 

** Noble - mainly it refers to Jesus Christ and his dimensions. Its key characteristic is loftiness in ideals. We are to rise to God's level by thinking about God's purpose, God's will, mind, and heart. 

** Good - God's word makes the heart of a man to become good. Think about Jesus' teachings concerning a tree and its fruit, and the house on a rock esp. Luke 6:45.

The end



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