To the Ends of the Earth

Aug 7, 2005

Acts 1:1-11


  To the Ends of the Earth

Acts 1:1-11

Key Verse 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

This passage shows us the direction for Christians living today, that is, the call to live as Jesus' witnesses to all peoples on earth.

1. The book of Acts is about the apostles witnessing about Jesus Christ (8). What do the following indicate about the contents of their testimony?

1) "all that Jesus began to do and to teach" (1);

2) "his suffering" (3a);

3) "convincing proofs that he was alive" (3b);

4) "He...spoke about the kingdom of God" (3c);

5) "he was taken up [into heaven] before their very eyes" (9); and

6) "This same Jesus...will come back..." (11). 

** The contents of our testimony should include all the above, that is, what he did, what he taught, his death and resurrection, his ascension, and his coming back. 

2. Verses 2,5 and 8 talk about "the Holy Spirit". What do the following expressions tell us about the functions (or works) of the Holy Spirit?

1) "giving instructions through the Holy Spirit..." (2)

2) "you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit" (5)

3) "you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; (8a) and

4) "you will be my witnesses" (8b). 

** The Holy Spirit will qualify and empower the apostles do live as Jesus' witnesses.

3. Think about the expression "my witnesses" in verse 8. What does "my" indicate about the position of the apostles as witnesses? What is it like for one to live as a "witness"? 

** They are to testify on behalf of and for Jesus' name's sake, standing on Jesus' side, speaking of Jesus. 

** It is to share their first hand experience about Jesus' teachings, his death and resurrection, his empowerment, his promise to come again. 

4. Verse 8 describes the areas in which the apostles were to live as Jesus' witnesses. In what respect was it difficult for them to be witnesses in these specific places?

1) In Jerusalem;

2) In all Judea; 

3) In Samaria; and

4) To the ends of the earth.

** Jerusalem was hostile to Jesus and his gospel; so was the case with Judea. They did not like to associate themselves with people in Samaria. They did not know any foreign languages so it was not easy for them to go to the ends of the earth and preach the gospel in foreign languages.

5. Compare the apostles' question to Jesus in verse 6 and Jesus' answer to their question in verses 7-8. What does the expression "it is not for you to know" indicate about the errors which many commit in our generation? 

** A lot of people nowadays show unhealthy interest about the times or dates of Jesus' second coming, and thereby exercise authority which rightly belongs to God alone. 

6. Read verses 9-11 and think about what the two men dressed in white (10) said to the "men of Galilee" (11). The promise of Jesus' return is yet to be fulfilled. What does this promise mean to you?

** It means that today and tomorrow I need to be faithful to witnessing about the gospel of Jesus.

The end



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