Who is Greater?

Sep 25, 2005

Luke 9:46-56

Who Is The Greatest

 Who Is The Greatest?

Luke 9:46-56

Key Verse 9:48

1. Think about the point of argument that developed among the disciples (46). The word "argument" indicates that they had considerable difficulties in agreeing with one another on the point of argument. What does this episode tell us about Jesus' disciples?  

2. Verse 47 says that Jesus started teaching the disciples "knowing their thoughts". What does the word "thoughts" indicate about: 1) the nature of the "argument" the disciples were having; and 2) the significance of ones’ "thoughts"? 

3. Consider the little child standing beside Jesus, looking at the disciples (47). As mentioned in the Bible, what does the "little child" (especially "child") stand for? (Hos. 11:1; 1Co 3:1-4; 13:11; 14:20; Pro 4:1-3)

4. Meditate on the meaning(s) of Jesus' words in verse 48. In this passage the word "welcome" is repeated four times.  This indicates that it is not always easy to welcome a person like a little child.  Yet God the Father identifies himself with a man who is like a little child. Why?

5. Memorize the line saying, "For he who is least among you all--he is the greatest." Obviously "the least" is the least, "the greatest" is the greatest. Yet, why does Jesus say that the least "is" the greatest? [What is Jesus trying to say?]

6. Verses 49-50 describe an interesting conversation between John and Jesus. John talks about "we" or "us", but Jesus talks about "you" (John). Why?

7. Think about the way Jesus responded to the suggestion James and John made facing the Samaritan opposition (51-56). The expression "turned and rebuked" indicates that the problem James and John had was not a small problem. Why is this such a serious problem? 



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