The Worshiped Him

Dec 25, 2005

Matthew 2:1-12


  They Bowed Down and Worshiped Him

Matthew 2:1-12 Christmas 2005 Key Verse 2:12           Lesson 4

1. Verses 1-2 describe the sacrifice made by the Magi in order for them to meet and worship the new born king.  Their example suggests that Jesus is the true object of worship, deserving such sacrifice. Why is it important to meet and worship Jesus as the true object of worship? (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:7; Jeremiah 2:13; 17:13; Psalm 37:4; 23:1-6) 

2. On hearing the news of the birth of the true king, people should have rejoiced. But verse 3 says that they were "disturbed". Why did people respond to the good news in this way? How can we avoid a problem like this?

3. Think about the inquiry King Herod made (verse 4) and the answer the Bible scholars gave (in verses 5-6). What does their answer tell us about the new born king? 

4. Compare what Herod said to the Magi in verses 7-8 to the atrocity he committed in 2:16-18. Why did he do this? How can we avoid a problem like his? 

5. What do the following expressions tell us about the life of the Magi in looking for the true object of worship?

1) We saw his star...(2b);

2) The exact time the star had appeared (7); 

3) The star...went ahead of them until...(9); and 

4) When they saw the star they were overjoyed (10).

What lessons are there for us to learn in seeking the Lord?

6. Think about what they did on coming upon reaching the house. What do the following expressions teach us about the way to worship the new born king? 

1) They bowed down and worshiped him; and

2) They opened their "treasures" and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. 

7. Verse 12 tells us that the Magi did "not" honor King Herod’s request. What can we learn from them? 



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