Be Dressed Ready for Service

Feb 26, 2006

Luke 12:35-48


  Be Dressed Ready For Service

Luke 12:35-48

Key Verse 12:35

1. Read verses 35-36. What does this passage indicate about the position of: 1) Jesus (in his relationship with his disciples); and 2) his disciples (in their relationship with Jesus)? (40) What do the following expressions teach us about the way we should ready ourselves for the Lord? 1) "Be 'dressed' ready"; 2) "for 'service'"; 3) "'keep' your lamps burning"; 4) "like men waiting for their 'master' to return..."; and 5) "'immediately' open the door for him".

2. In verses 37-38 "It will be good" is repeated twice. In what respect will it be "good" for the servant whose master finds him watching when he comes in the second or third watch of the night? What does verse 37b (reading, "I tell you the truth...") show us about the master?

3. Compare Jesus' words in verse 39 and his request in verse 40. What does this comparison indicate about the call to be ready "all the time"? When (or on what occasions) do people (Christians in particular) not expect Jesus to come back? Yet, Jesus says you "also" must be ready. How can we be ready all the time?

4. Think about Peter's question in verse 41. Why do you think he asked the question? (Think about his self-confidence.)

5. In verses 35-40 Jesus talked about "servants". But in verse 42 Jesus mentions a "manager". How is a manager different from a servant? Jesus mentions two qualities of a manager: faith and wisdom. Why are the two needed? What is the manager's major duty?

6. Read verses 43-46. How will the Lord reward a faithful and wise manager? (43-44) How will he punish him if he abuses those under his management? (45-46)

7. Read verses 47-48. In what respect is it a great privilege to know the will of the master? What responsibilities come with this privilege?



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