We are Unworthy Servants

May 21, 2006

Luke 17:1-10

We are unworthy servants���

 We Are Unworthy Servants

Luke 17:1-10

Key Verse 17:10

1. Read verses 1-2. Who do “little ones” refer to? Why should the disciples be careful particularly about the “little” ones? 

2. In verse 3a, Jesus says, “So watch yourselves.” What does it mean [for “you”] to watch “yourself”? What does this command tell us about the way God designed man to function as His servant? 

3. Think about the command Jesus gives His disciples in verse 4. Who is “your brother” referring to? How is a “brother” different from one of the “little” ones? In what respect are these commands difficult to practice?

4. In verse 5 the disciples said, “Increase our faith!” Why? In reply Jesus talks about a mulberry tree being uprooted and planted in the sea. In what respect is dealing with the problem of sin similar to a mulberry tree being uprooted and planted in the sea? What can we learn from Jesus about faith?

5. Read verse 7a. In what respect is the position of a disciple similar to that of a servant “plowing” or “looking after the sheep”? 

6. Consider “the way of an unworthy servant” as Jesus describes it in verses 7b-10. In what respect is it difficult to do “everything” we are told to do? Why is it important to say [when we have done everything we were told to do], “We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty”? 




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