I Am!

Oct 29, 2006

Luke 22:54-71

I am��

  I am!

Luke 22:54-71

Key Verse 22:70

This passage shows us the way of salvation, that is, by faith in God who sent Jesus the Son of God, the Savior of the world. 

1. Skim through verses 54-62. What does this passage tell us about: 1) Peter's knowledge about himself; and 2) Jesus' knowledge about Peter? 

** He did not know his weaknesses. He did not know that he was a sitting duck before the devil the tempter. 

** Jesus knew Peter's weaknesses, so Jesus prayed for him. 

2. Read verse 61. When did the Lord turn and look "straight" at Peter? Why did the Lord do this? (Luke 22:31-34)

** When Peter failed "completely". 

** It was to help him that his faith would not fail. In other words Jesus wanted to build up His faith in God who sent Jesus as the Savior, so he would be a man of indomitable faith. 

3. Read verse 62. Peter wept "bitterly". What was he so "bitter" about? Peter was determined to follow Jesus even "to death" (Luke 22:33), and yet was unable. What can we learn from this episode?   

** Arguably he was bitter about himself especially him being so weak a person, weak to pressures like peer pressure.  

** His case is another proof that in order to follow Jesus we need to deny ourselves, take up the cross, and follow Jesus. The call to "deny oneself" is based on God's knowledge of our inability to follow Jesus on our own. It is only through faith in [almighty] God that we can overcome challenges and obstacles, and follow Jesus to the end.  

4. Read verses 63-65 and think about Jesus who endured lawless men. What does this passage show us about Jesus? (Isaiah 53:3-7; Hebrews 12:2)

** It was to bring peace upon us by himself being punished for our inequities, the peace between God and men, and among men. We also learn that Jesus had resurrection faith. Because he believed in the power of God he was not afraid of death, so he could affirm the truth. In this way Jesus set the example of true faith. 

5. Read verses 66-71. The council asked (in effect) two questions: 1) Are you the Christ?; and 2) Are you the Son of God? What was Jesus' answer to each of the questions? What does this passage tell us about: 1) the members of the council; 2) Jesus; and 3) the cause of his death? 

** To both questions, Jesus answered affirmatively, demonstrating that he is indeed the one sent by God as the Christ, and the Son of God. 

** The members of the council were blind. They were "representatives" of all sinners, so to speak.

** The title "Christ" goes to the question of "what", the Son of God goes to the issue of "who." What did Jesus come to accomplish? He came to save us from our sins and the consequences of sins. Who is he then? He is the one from God, his divine origin, so he alone is qualified to save men from their sins.

[Note: Jesus stood as the perfecter of faith, for he could stand because of his faith in God who is Almighty.]   

** The cause was his claim (to be the Christ and the Son of God), indicating that he died for the cause for which he came to die.  

The end



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