A letter from Christ

Apr 29, 2007

2 Corinthians 1:1-3:18

A letter from Christ���

A Letter from Christ

2 Corinthians 1:1-3:18

Key Verse 3:3

Read 1:1-11. What do the following words or expressions tell us about the Christian’s life in this world: “trouble”; “suffer” (or “suffering”); “hardship”; “pressure”; “we despair even of life”; “we felt the sentence of death”; “deadly peril”? 

If God is the “God of all comfort” as Paul states in verse 3, why does he allow difficulties (like troubles or hardships) in our lives? (9)

Read 1:12-24. In verse 15 Paul planned to visit the Corinthians first, but later he changed his mind (23), making him look “insincere”. What is Paul’s defense? (1:12; 2:2-4)

Read 2:1-11. What does “the punishment inflicted upon him by the majority” indicate about church discipline? Why is it necessary? On what condition should a time of discipline be discontinued? Why is it necessary for the church to secure room for pardon and restoration when a person is genuinely repentant?

Read verses 12-13. What does this passage indicate about the importance of “co-workers”? 

Read 2:14-3:6. What do the following expressions have in common: 1) fragrance of the knowledge of him; 2) aroma of Christ; and 3) fragrance of life? In 2:16b Paul asks, “Who is equal to such a task?” What does Paul mean by “such a task”? Who is equal to such a task? (3:3-6)

Read verses 7-18. How many times is the word “glory” or “glorious” repeated? What does Paul mean by “glory”? What does “freedom” (in verse 17) mean? Where does “glory” come from? How is “the Lord’s glory” related to “his likeness”?   



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