Let light shine out of darkness

May 6, 2007

2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Let light shine out of darkness

Let Light Shine Out of Darkness

2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Key Verse 4:6

Read verses 1-2. Why is it necessary for a minister of the new covenant to renounce secret and shameful ways (especially as they preach the gospel)? What do the following words (in verse 2b) show us about the way to serve the gospel? 1) [We set] forth the truth plainly; 2) We “commend” ourselves; 3) to every man’s “conscience”; 4) “in the sight of God.”

Read verses 3-4 and think about the following words: 1) the gospel; 2) the glory of Christ; and 3) the image of God. How are they connected together? What does this passage teach us about the light we are called to let shine? 

Read verses 5-7. Why is it sometimes difficult to preach Christ alone? How can we avoid preaching “ourselves” [or a little bit of us and a little bit of Christ] rather than “Christ” alone? 

Read verse 7 again. In what respect does the light [that is, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ] represent the “all-surpassing” power (that is from God)? (14)

Read verses 8-12. What does Paul mean by “death is at work in us, but life is at work in you”? 

Read verses 13-15. What does this passage tell us about the work of [resurrection] faith? 

Read verses 16-18. How will the Lord reward those who brave hardships and preach the gospel? 



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