Let light shine out of darkness

May 6, 2007

2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Let light shine out of darkness

Let Light Shine Out of Darkness

2 Corinthians 4:1-18

Key Verse 4:6

In this passage Paul shares several conditions that a gospel servant must meet for bearing fruit. 

Read verses 1-2. Why is it necessary for a minister of the new covenant to renounce secret and shameful ways (especially as they preach the gospel)? What do the following words (in verse 2b) show us about the way to serve the gospel? 1) [We set] forth the truth plainly; 2) We “commend” ourselves; 3) to every man’s “conscience”; 4) “in the sight of God.”

** So that the inner darkness would not impede the gospel light from shining. Light and darkness have no fellowship; so it is necessary for a gospel servant to renounce sinful ways of life. 2Co 6:14

** One must set forth the truth (that is, Jesus Christ) plainly. John 14:6

** Second, the gospel servant and the gospel should not be separated but become one, so that the gospel servant would be literally an “instrument” of the gospel, rendering himself as a channel (or mouth piece) through which the gospel is presented to the dying world. Consider what Paul says in 2Co 3:3, that is, a gospel servant being a living letter of Christ, carrying the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ, so that people would receive the fragrance of life from his service. [The word “commend” reminds us of 1 Pe 2:12.]

** Third, we appeal to man’s conscience. [Conscience is the arena where God’s truth is presented and weighed, so that a decision can be made. Consciences can be corrupted and partly or wholly rendered dysfunctional, but still this is the place where the gospel is first reviewed in a man’s mind.]

** Fourth, the expression “in the sight of God” can mean on the part of a servant, “under God’s supervision” or “being conscious of an all-seeing God”. It can also mean that as one presents the gospel God would be present assisting the gospel servant. 

Read verses 3-4 and think about the following words: 1) the gospel; 2) the glory of Christ; and 3) the image of God. How are they connected together? What does this passage teach us about the light we are called to let shine? 

** The gospel talks about the nature of the message, that is, the good news that gives life to man.

The glory of Christ refers to the substance of the gospel (or the fruit one will bear when they accept the gospel). [Glory – intrinsic nature; all that is true of Jesus, like his love, power, character like gentleness, etc.]

The image of God: this is the end product God has in mind in bringing the gospel to light. Romans 3:23; Psalm 106:20; Hosea 4:7; Roman 1:23

** It is the light of Jesus. 

Read verses 5-7. Why is it sometimes difficult to preach Christ alone? How can we avoid preaching “ourselves” [or a little bit of us and a little bit of Christ] rather than “Christ” alone? 

** Partly because of us, the instruments, not rendering ourselves transparent (our sinful nature, tendency to seek self-glory, etc.), so that Jesus’ light alone would shine. Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him.  But we don’t always fully deny ourselves (or in Paul’s term, die to ourselves daily). 

** In the case of the passage here, perhaps two things: first, remember our position as a servant [of God sent to serve the ones we are sent to]; and second we are merely a jar of clay, not Christ. 

Read verse 7 again. In what respect does the light [that is, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ] represent the “all-surpassing” power (that is from God)? (14)

** It is so described (all-surpassing) in that it comes with the power of resurrection which is above all powers including the power of sin and Satan. 

Read verses 8-12. What does Paul mean by “death is at work in us, but life is at work in you”?

** Arguably it refers to Jesus’ principle of prosperity taught in John 12:24, a kernel of wheat falling to the ground. Refer to 1Co 11:24-26 as well. 


Read verses 13-15. What does this passage tell us about the work of [resurrection] faith?

** We do what we truly believe in. 


Read verses 16-18. How will the Lord reward those who brave hardships and preach the gospel? 

** He will reward them with the eternal glory that is to be revealed when Jesus comes again.

The end



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