We Live By Faith, Not By Sight
2 Corinthians 5:1-10
Key Verse 5:7
In this passage the Apostle Paul says that we need to focus on what is to come rather than what is visible before our eyes, so that we would not be stuck with what is fleeting, but rather make good use of what is temporary, for eternal purposes.
[Remember: the Corinthians were materialistic, so they were reluctant to make monetary offerings to advance the gospel. They fixed their eyes on what is visible, losing sight of what is truly important, not knowing what is truly valuable and what is not.]
Read verse 1. What does “the earthly tent we live in” refer to? What does it mean that the tent “is destroyed”? How is “a building from God” described? Why is it important to know that we have it (a heavenly building)?
** Our physical body we live in
** Our body physically ceasing to function
** It is heaven made; it is called a “building” as opposed to a “tent”; it is made by God indicating that it is made to be infinitely perfect, made suitable for life in the eternal presence of God.
** It releases man from the grip of materialistic and humanistic ways of life, so he can live as a heavenly man, not as an earth-bound man. It is the key to letting man live for God’s glory, not for man’s glory, for God’s interests, not for one’s self-seeking purposes. After all people work to build their life-security. Doesn’t everyone work for that which they think is beneficial, especially in terms of the security of life?
Read verses 2-4. What does it mean to be found “naked” (or “unclothed”)? (Genesis 2:25; 3:7) What would it be like for one to be “clothed” with a heavenly dwelling?
** Arguably it denotes the state of man’s existence, that is, the way in which the first man Adam was created to exist. Man’s body came from the dust of the earth, so that the soul would be housed in what even should not be called real housing, for man’s body was made of low quality material, like dust.
** It will be like a man living in an environment in which he has all that are necessary to make one’s life fully sufficient, so that one can enjoy his life fully without any side effects but with an increasing sense of satisfaction, going from glory to glory.
For biblical usage of the word “clothed” refer to 2 Chronicles 6:41 (notice the materials with which the heavenly dwelling is to be made of); 28:15; Psalm 30:11; 132:9; Proverbs 31:25 (joy, righteousness, strength, and dignity being the fabric which make up the clothes for one’s soul); Psalm 35:26; 109:29 (shame and disgrace being another possibility for the fabric making up the soul’s clothes); 104:1 (the Lord is described as being clothed with splendor and majesty)
Isaiah calls it “garments of salvation” (Isa 61:10); Jesus says that the disciples will be clothed with the power from above. (Luke 24:49) In Romans 13:14, Paul says that we must clothe ourselves with Christ. In 1Co 15:54 Paul says we will be clothed with the imperishable, that is, the resurrected body. In Galatians Paul says that we will be clothed with the Christ (3:27).
Read verse 5 and compare this verse with verse 4 (especially the expression “what is mortal may be swallowed up by life”). What is a “deposit” for? What does verse 5 tell us about God in securing what he has in mind for his children?
** It is a token for sincerity on the part of the one who makes a deposit. It is to go ahead and consummate the deal such as in a buy-sell agreement, resulting in an escrow which is to be closed upon the parties involved fulfilling all the conditions pertaining to the transaction within the escrow.
** Unlike worldly people who often break the commitment even after making a deposit, God is faithful so he will bring to completion what he has in mind, that is, salvation of his children who love the Lord and choose to stand on His side.
Read v. 6. What does it mean to be “at home” in the body (or anywhere)? The Bible says we are to be with the Lord, and the Lord with us. (Matthew 12:30; Mark 16:20) Yet, what causes us to be “away from” the Lord?
** “At home” is indicative of one being “content” in the place where he is.
** Being at home in a body; this is a symbolic expression, symbolizing the ill fate that awaits a man thinking that man’s life in a physical life is all there is to life, so he ends up living like a pagan (or hedonist) saying, “Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die.)
But Paul says that our body is only a temporary abode set up only for a temporary sojourn, just like a tent or motel where man stays only for a short period of time, knowing that he is still away from home.
Read verses 7-10 and think about two exhortations: “We live by faith, not by sight”; and “we make it our goal to please him.” How are the two related? Why is it necessary for us to go by these exhortations? (10)
** The former refers to the way in which we can pursue the latter exhortation, that is, by living by faith in His promises, we can please the Lord.
** We can lay hold of what is eternal and therefore truly life-giving; otherwise we will end up forfeiting eternal life in the Lord.
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