His Indescribable Gift

Jun 24, 2007

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

His indescribable gift�

His Indescribable Gift

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Key Verse 9:6

1. Memorize v. 6, and compare this passage with Paul’s exhortations in 

2 Corinthians 8:1-9:5. What does this passage show us about the relationship between sowing and reaping?

2. Read verse 7. What should each man give? What does the expression “God loves a cheerful giver” mean? (cf. 8-9)

3. Read verses 8-9.  Think about God’s abilities. How able is he? Why does Paul say “God is able” at this time? (10-11)

4. Read verses 10-14 and describe: a) What God can do; b) what you can do (or be); and c) the fruit of your generosity. 

5. Read verse 15. Paul described the blessedness of the “gift” (of giving). Yet why does he call it as “indescribable”? Why is it called a “gift”? What does “Thanks be to God” indicate about this gift? 



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