A Godly Jealousy

Jul 1, 2007

2 Corinthians 10:1-11:30

A godly jealousy

A Godly Jealousy

2 Corinthians 10:1-11:30

Key Verse 11:2

Read 10:1-6. In this passage the Apostle Paul uses the expressions, "wage war", "the weapons we fight with", or "demolish strongholds." What kind of war is Paul talking about? What are the weapons he fights with? What is the purpose of the war Paul is referring to? 

Read verses 7-11. What do some say about Paul? What does this show us about them? What is Paul's response to them?  

Read verses 12-18. What does Paul expect them [i.e., Corinthian brothers and sisters] to do (or be)? What does it mean to "boast in the Lord"? What is Paul's boasting in the Lord? 

Read 11:1-6. What is godly jealousy? Why is Paul jealous of them? 

Read verses 7-15. Why does Paul choose to preach the gospel “free of charge”? 

Read verses 16-21a and think about the statement: “you put up with anyone who enslaves you or exploits you or takes advantage of you or pushes himself forward or slaps you in the face.” Paul says, “To my shame I admit that we were too weak for that!” What does Paul mean by this admission? 

Read verses 21b-30. What does this passage tell us about Paul as a shepherd for God’s flock? 



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