That District Of Macedonia

Aug 12, 2007

Acts 16:11-15



Acts 16:11-15

Key Verse 16:14

“One of those listening was a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message.”

1. Look at verses 11-12. What similarities and differences do you see between these verses and verses 6-7 of the previous passage?  How is “journey mercy” related to doing God’s will? How do the results differ when we have clear revelations of God’s will for our life and ministry? How was the timing of these boats (“sailed straight”, “the next day”) important to the eventual meeting with Lydia? What similar “appointments” from the Bible can you think of? Have you made or missed any such appointments lately?  


2. Look at verse 13. What were Paul and his companions doing when they were in the Macedonian mission field? Though Paul and his companions were in the right mission field, what roll would prayer play in the success of their mission? Through seeking a place for prayer they inadvertently found a new convert.  What can we learn from this? What did they put first, prayer or preaching? How do these two activities work together?  


3. Look at verses 14-15. Based on the information given in the passage who was Lydia and how had God prepared her for this appointment? Verse 14 says, “The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.” Who are the three active agents mentioned in this verse? Who is responsible for the conversion of Lydia? What would have happened if one of these agents had failed to apply themselves? What can we learn about preaching the gospel more effectively? Notice the following expressions in verse 15: “she invited”, “she said”, “she persuaded”. What does this show about genuine conversions? What roll did Paul play now that she was a believer?




LA UBF Bible Study Materials

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That District Of Macedonia

Aug 12, 2007

Acts 16:11-15



Acts 16:11-15

Key Verse 16:14

“One of those listening was a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message.”

1. Look at verses 11-12. What similarities and differences do you see between these verses and verses 6-7 of the previous passage?

* The similarity is that Paul and his companions are traveling and preaching the gospel. The difference is that everything is going smooth in verses 11-12 whereas everything was going wrong in verses 6-7. 

How is “journey mercy” related to doing God’s will?

* Everyone wants to have God’s blessed “journey mercy” but it comes to those who are doing His will.

How do the results differ when we have clear revelations of God’s will for our life and ministry?

* When we have clear revelation we have clearly good results. God is interested in being specific, for many passages reveal this truth. 

How was the timing of these boats (“sailed straight”, “the next day”) important to the eventual meeting with Lydia?

* God was timing this meeting with Lydia and his servant Paul. He was on cue with God. 

What similar “appointments” from the Bible can you think of?

Jesus & the Samaritan Woman (John 4),

Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8),

Peter & Cornelius (Acts 10),

Ananias & Saul (Acts 9),

Paul & Sergius Paulus (Acts 13)

* In each of these cases God’s servant was sent to a person ripe for salvation. God perfectly arranged these meetings because his servant was listening and obedient to the will of God.

Have you made or missed any such appointments lately? 

* Most Christians have experienced the joy of God’s divine appointments and the deep sorrow of missing an opportunity. We need to look for God’s open doors and walk through them when we see them. Being prepared “in season and out of season” means looking for these divine appointments and being ready to share the gospel.

2. Look at verse 13. What were Paul and his companions doing when they were in the Macedonian mission field?

* Praying.

Though Paul and his companions were in the right mission field what roll would prayer play in the success of their mission?

* They received clear instruction to go to Macedonia but now what? They needed to find the next step in God’s plan so they went to pray. God’s plan to pioneer Macedonia must have been deeply complex with key points and key places. Should Paul and his companions execute this plan aimlessly or should they keep reporting in to headquarters for further instruction? 

Through seeking a place for prayer they inadvertently found a new convert.  What can we learn from this? 

* Prayer always works!

What did they put first, prayer or preaching?

* Prayer

How do these two activities work together?  

* Prayer enables us to know how, who and what to preach. There are way too many variables in preaching the gospel that one must ask God through prayer what his will is. Some possibly good questions are:

What to preach (passage, key verse, points)

How to preach (strong Elijah style, graceful Sermon on the Mount style, truthful Last Supper style)

Who to preach to (unbelievers, new believers, mature believers, etc.)

3. Look at verses 14-15. Based on the information given in the passage who was Lydia and how had God prepared her for this appointment?

* Lydia was a “worshipper of God” so she had been taught about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. She had a good foundation that Paul could work from and complete with the gospel message.

Verse 14 says, “The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.” Who are the three active agents mentioned in this verse?

* God, Paul, Lydia

Who is responsible for the conversion of Lydia?

* All three are responsible. God was the master planner and worked in Lydia’s heart but Paul’s presence was deemed necessary as was Lydia’s willingness and acceptance.


What would have happened if one of these agents had failed to apply themselves?

* Nothing would happened but let’s focus on Paul’s part in Lydia’s conversion. After receiving the Macedonian call he got into the will of God and the LORD could therefore position him and create the perfect timing for this appointment. Paul was also going out to pray which means he was depending on God and his heart was open to receive the perfect message for Lydia. We can say that Paul was “in the zone”, meaning that he was adjusted perfectly to God’s will and thereby became a precision instrument of salvation. Cool!

What can we learn about preaching the gospel more effectively?

Depend on God.

Notice the following expression in verse 15:   “she invited”, “she said”, “she persuaded”. What does this show about genuine conversion?

* Lydia became very active and joyful she was filled with the joy of the Lord. Genuine conversion comes with action and willingness to do something for the Lord and his servants.

What roll did Paul play now that she was a believer?

* Paul was now a shepherd for her and her household. He should now teach her “to obey everything that [Jesus] commanded.” For obedience to God’s will creates effective Christians.

Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother. (Mark 3:35)



LA UBF Bible Study Materials

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