Acts of Righteousness

Oct 19, 2008

Matthew 6:1-18



Matthew 6:1-18

Key Verse 6:4b

Read verses 1-4.  With what motive should we do “acts of righteousness”? Why is this so important that Jesus even says, “be careful”? What might be a wrong motive for giving to the needy? Can you think of any modern day examples of giving (both good and bad)? What is the ideal way of giving (3)? Compare/contrast how the results differ depending on the motive.

*With the motive to please our Heavenly Father, and in and through this, receive rewards from Him.

*Because there is nothing worse than missing out on the blessings (the rewards) that God has to give.  He also says this because we are naturally prone to do many of our acts of righteousness in order to get recognition from men.  Unless we are careful, we’ll end up doing this.

*The passage says to be honored by men.

*Good example – giving anonymous freewill offerings to a person in need.  Bad example – giving only when others eyes are on you, or only when the donor’s name will be on the item of donation.  A big problem also is giving in order to “show off” one’s wealth.

*Giving as naturally and fluidly as water falling from a mountaintop.  In other words, giving without even needing to think about it.

*When we give or do any acts of righteousness before the Lord we receive the rewards that he has to give (which are infinite and unlimited in quality and quantity).  When we do acts of righteousness to be seen by men our reward is limited to whatever honor or praise we “might” receive from men.

Read verses 5-8.  How do hypocrites pray? Why is it important that some of our prayer be “done in secret”? Why might a person babble (say many unnecessary words) in prayer? Yet why should we not?

*Standing in the synagogues and on street corners to be seen by men.

*The key is that he is “your Father” (6).  He is our personal father so just like it’s important to have private time with our father on earth, so it is with our father in heaven.  It’s about the relationship with our heavenly Father.  We should spend time with him in private if we really want to enjoy and benefit from this precious relationship.  Also our Father is listening to our hearts.  He’s listening for prayers that are really prayed to him, not just from our lips to him, but from our hearts to him.

*Because they think they will be heard because of their many words.  This would be the case if God were not God.  People often need a lot of explanation and clarification to understand the point.  But God is God.  He knows what we need before we even ask him.

Read verses 9-15.  Why do you think Jesus gives such a model of prayer? What are the main prayer topics? Are any of these left out of your prayers?  What serious statement does Jesus make regarding forgiveness? Is there anyone whom you’ve not forgiven?

*Because while it is important to pray from the heart, prayer needs structure and needs to have a point.  These young disciples, like many of us, may not be disciplined nor mature in the area of prayer.  This prayer also helps us pray for what is truly worth praying for, for it’s possible to pray for what is totally unimportant.  This prayer is right from the heart of our Lord Jesus.

*Vs. 9-13

*Personal question

*Vs. 14-15.

*Personal question

Read verses 16-18.  What is the purpose(s) of fasting? How is this purpose hindered by showing men we are fasting? What does God see and reward? Yet, why might a person find this difficult?

*This question could have a long answer but essentially it is a tool that may help one to get his heart serious before God.

*Our attention is taken off of God (the reason for our fasting) and put once again on man.

*Fasting that is done in secret (in other words done in his eyes as we seek him and his rewards).

*Because they must really believe that God exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6).  When it comes to fasting, there isn’t any good feeling or benefit to come to you other than the rewards that are spiritual from God.



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