Look Forward to the Day of God

Dec 28, 2008

2 Peter 3:1-18



2 Peter 3:1-18 

Key Verse 3:13 

"But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness." 

1. Read verses 1-2. Why did Peter write his two letters? How can we have "wholesome thinking"? 

2. Read verses 3-7. What do the "last days" refer to? What will these scoffers scoff at? Why are they badly mistaken? What will happen to this present world and to ungodly men? Yet why do they say such things? (3,5) How is their scoffing present today? 

3. Read verses 8-10. What must we not forget about the Lord? Why is he patient with us? (cf. 15) Yet why do you think the day of the Lord "will come like a thief"?

4. Read verses 11-16. What is there to look forward to on the Day of the Lord? What is the significance of the new heaven and new earth being called a "home of righteousness"? What does it practically mean to "look forward to the day of God"? (11b, 14) 

5. Read verses 17-18. What do the words "be on your guard" tell us about the kind of attitude we should adopt as we wait for Jesus' coming? How can we "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"? Why did Peter credit glory to Jesus both now and forever? 



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