The Harvest Is Plentiful

Mar 8, 2009

Matthew 9:18-38


The Harvest Is Plentiful

Matthew 9:18-38
Key verse 9:38

37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Read verses 18-19. What was this ruler's practical situation? How do people typically respond to such situations? Yet, how did this ruler respond? What can we learn from him?

Read verses 20-22. What was the situation of this woman before she met Jesus? Why do you think she believed that simply touching Jesus' cloak could heal her? What does Jesus' response show us about him? What can we learn about faith from this woman?

Read verses 23-26. Why were "flute players" and a "noisy crowd" at the rulers' house? Why do you think Jesus told them to go away? Why do you think the crowd didn't believe in Jesus (they "laughed at him") while the girl's father believed in Jesus?

Again, looking at verse 24 and 25, what do Jesus' words show about his view of death? How did Jesus raise her from the dead? What does this show about Jesus?

Read verses 27-31. What do you think the lives of these two blind men were like? How did they cry out to Jesus for help? What did Jesus ask them? How did Jesus heal them? What does Jesus teach us about faith here?

Read verses 32-34. What might this man's life have been like? What did Jesus do for him? How did the crowd respond to this? How did the Pharisees respond? Why do you think there were two completely different perspectives on Jesus' work?

Read verses 35-38. What did Jesus do as he traveled through all the towns and villages? How did Jesus see the crowds? Why did he talk to his disciples about the harvest? What prayer topic did Jesus give his disciples? What does this show about Jesus' purpose in raising disciples?



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